§ 1-1.08. Repeal of ordinances.
All ordinances of the City and all the provisions of the Simi Valley Municipal Code adopted by Ordinance No. 35 on January 26, 1970, are hereby repealed, except as follows:
Ordinances relating to matters of a special or temporary nature, which ordinances are listed in Table 3 of the Appendix of this Code; and
Ordinances of a general nature and certain provisions of a general nature of the Simi Valley Municipal Code adopted by Ordinance No. 35 on January 26, 1970, which ordinances and Code provisions have not been codified but which are to remain in effect pending their revision or repeal, and which are listed in Table 4 of the Appendix to this Code.
In addition to the foregoing, Ordinance No. 197 and all ordinances adopted subsequent to Ordinance No. 208 shall remain in full force and effect pending their codification and incorporation in this Code.