§ 2-1.109. Voting.
Procedure. On the passage of every motion, the vote shall be taken by voice or roll call and entered in full upon the record. Motions may be adopted by the "no objection" method, unless a Councilman prefers a voice or roll call vote.
The Council shall follow the roll call procedure for ordinances, resolutions for franchises, and orders for the payment of money. A roll call vote shall not be necessary for any other action unless a member of the Council shall demand such roll call vote.
Upon the demand of any member made before the negative has been put, the roll call shall be called for yeas and nays upon any question before the Council. It shall not be in order for members to explain their vote during the roll call. Any member may change his vote before the next order of business.
Abstaining. Every member should vote unless disqualified for cause or by self disqualification and accepted by the vote of the Council or by the opinion of the City Attorney. No Councilman shall be forced to vote. The abstainer consents that a majority of the quorum may act for him.
Tie votes. Tie votes shall be considered as lost motions and may be reconsidered later.
(§§ 4, 6 (part), and 9, Res. 69-27)