§ 2-5.10. Reporting requirements.
In addition to the requirements of Government Code Section 84203 relating to late contributions of One Thousand and no/100ths ($1,000.00) Dollars or more, all candidates and committees, including independent expenditure committees, shall report all late contributions of Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollars or more, but less than One Thousand and no/100ths ($1,000.00) Dollars that are made or received before the date of the election at which the candidate is to be voted on but after the closing date of the last campaign statement required to be filed before the election. Such late contributions shall be reported identifying the full name, street address, occupation, and the name of the employer, if any, the principal place of business if self-employed, of the contributor, and shall be reported to the City Clerk within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. Such reports may be by any written means of communication, and do not require an original signature. A late contribution need not be reported nor shall it be deemed accepted if it is not cashed, negotiated, or deposited and is returned to the contributor within twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt. A report filed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other campaign statements required to be filed by state law.
Late independent expenditures, as defined by Government Code Section 82036.5, shall be reported in accordance with requirements of Government Code Section 84204.
All candidates or controlled committees that make late expenditures, as defined in Section 2-5.03(e) shall report the late expenditure to the City Clerk by facsimile transmission, telegram, guaranteed overnight mail, or night mail through the United States Postal Service for personal delivery within twenty-four (24) hours of the time it is made. The report shall contain the information required by paragraphs no. (1) through no. (5) of subdivision (k) of Government Code Section 84211. Reports filed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other campaign statement required to be filed by state law.
Committees and candidates shall file all required statements and reports in compliance with the Political Reform Act and this chapter.
If any person files an original statement or report after any deadline imposed by the Political Reform Act or this chapter, he or she shall, in addition to any other penalties or remedies established by the Political Reform Act, be liable in the amount of Ten and no/100ths ($10.00) Dollars per day after the deadline until the statement or report is filed, to the City Clerk.
If any person files a copy of a statement or report after any deadline imposed by the Political Reform Act or this chapter, he or she shall, in addition to any other penalties or remedies established by the Political Reform Act, be liable in the amount of Ten and no/100ths ($10.00) Dollars per day after the deadline until the statement or report is filed, to the City Clerk.
The City Clerk may waive enforcement of this subsection until five (5) days after any such statement or report is due if, on an impartial basis, he or she determines that the late filing was not willful and that enforcement of the liability will not further the purposes of the Political Reform Act.
The City Clerk shall deposit any funds received under this subsection into the general fund of the City.
No liability under this subsection shall exceed the cumulative amount stated in the late statement or report, or One Hundred and no/100ths ($100.00) Dollars, whichever is greater.