§ 5-22.08. Shooting ranges: Use.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of Section 5-22.02 of this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the establishment or maintenance of any pistol, rifle, or target range approved by the City, nor to prohibit the discharge at any target thereon, by any person using such range, of any firearm in or on such range in the event such range is so installed, constructed, safeguarded, equipped, and used so as to adequately prevent any bullet, shot, or missile from being projected beyond the confines of such range.

(§ 5211-4, S.V.M.C., as renumbered by § 1, Ord. 261, eff. November 25, 1976, and as amended by § 1 (Exh. A), Ord. 1151, eff. January 7, 2010)