§ 5-24.19. Days/hours of operation.  

Latest version.
  • Each permittee shall be limited to conducting bingo games to one day per week. However, if, as of January 15, of any year, a day of the week exists in which no non-recreational bingo permittee is authorized to conduct bingo games, then that vacant day for the ensuing year shall become available, by lot, to one non-recreational permittee per vacant day to conduct a second day of bingo per week. Requests to conduct a second day shall be submitted to the City Manager in writing prior to January 15 of each year. If a vacant day exists for which more than one applicant applies, a lottery shall take place prior to February 15 to determine the assignment of the vacant day. The non-recreational permittee which is assigned the vacant day to conduct a second day of bingo may conduct bingo games on the second day until the last day of February of the subsequent year. The holder of a second day permit may reapply annually as provided herein for renewal of that permit. Days which become vacant by non-use or permit revocation shall not be filled with this second day procedure until the next February 15 lottery date. Should any organization be issued its first day non-recreational bingo permit during the year for a day for which another organization has been issued its second day permit as provided herein, said second day permit shall remain effective until the last day of February, at which time said second day permit shall expire unless renewed as authorized herein. No permittee shall conduct any bingo game more than six (6) hours out of any twenty-four (24) hour period. No bingo game shall be conducted between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

(§ 1, Ord. 786, eff. January 7, 1993)