§ 5-33.10. Notice of unlawful party.
When Police Department personnel become aware of any scheduled party which would be unlawful under this chapter, officers may issue a written notice to a host describing the unlawful nature of the party. The notice provided shall state that if Police Department personnel are required to respond to the scheduled party, such response shall constitute special police services. The notice shall state the host may be assessed civil penalties for the cost of providing such special police services. The notice shall be signed by a host, acknowledging receipt of the warning, and a signed copy of the warning shall be left with the host. This notice shall constitute a first warning as required by this chapter. A refusal by a host to sign a receipt of the warning after being requested to do so by a police officer is a misdemeanor.
(§ 1, Ord. 737, eff. August 30, 1990)