§ 5-3.01. Unlawful acts.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drink any malt, spiritous, or vinous liquor containing more than one-half (½) of one percent of alcohol by volume or to hold or to exercise dominion and control over any open container containing such beverage:
Upon any public street, sidewalk, highway, or alley or while occupying any vehicle or conveyance thereon;
Upon any public school ground or any building, bleacher, or stadium thereon;
In any public place, place of public assembly, or in any place open to the public;
In or upon any building or premises, or portion thereof, owned or occupied by the City, County, State, a park district, school district, sanitation district, flood control district, Water Works District No. 8, or by any other governmental agency;
Upon any private street, building, or other private property within the City without the consent of the person or entity in possession or control thereof; or
In any public park owned, operated, or maintained by the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District.
(§ 6112, S.V.M.C., as amended by § 1, Ord. 679, eff. February 10, 1988)