§ 5-40.06. Recovery of response costs.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When a law enforcement, fire, or other emergency response provider makes an initial response to a gathering of underage drinkers, the official shall, in writing, inform any responsible person(s) for the gathering at the scene that:


    The official has determined that a gathering of underage drinkers exists; and


    That if emergency response providers make at least three (3) subsequent responses to the same location within a six (6) month period from the initial response, responsible person(s) will be charged for any response costs required for the third subsequent response, i.e., for the fourth response.


    Within thirty (30) calendar days of the initial response and each response thereafter, an additional written warning shall be transmitted via certified mail to the owner of the private property as recorded by the last equalized assessment roll of the Ventura County Assessor.


    This section applies to the costs of abatement of the summary nuisance described in Section 5-40.04, and costs are recovered pursuant to California Government Code Section 38773.1 and Chapter 8 of Title 1 of the Simi Valley Municipal Code.

(§ 1 (part), Ord. 1093, eff. July 5, 2006)