§ 7-3.08. Parkway trees and shrubs: Planting.
Advance notice. The Department shall be notified forty-eight (48) hours prior to the installation of parkway trees and shrubs for the approval of the species, material quality, and planting supervision.
Soil analysis. The developer or property owner may be required to have a composite soil analysis made by a soil testing laboratory at the expense of the developer or property owner in order to insure the success of the planting where the alteration of the soil composition is anticipated by virtue of the development. The location and number of samples shall be determined by the City. The criteria to be used in determining the necessity for soil analysis and the location and number of samples shall be:
Whether substantial amounts of topsoil are to be removed;
Whether grading will bring ground waters so close to the surface that soil salts will interfere with good growth; and
Whether cuts and fills will so alter the available soils as to require soil amendment.
The analysis shall include the fertility level, the organic content, and the infiltration rate and permeability in place. A copy of the test results shall be forwarded directly to the Department.
Condition of trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs to be planted shall satisfy current industry standards and shall:
Be symmetrical;
Be typical for variety and species;
Be healthy, vigorous, and free from disease and insect pests;
Have healthy, vigorous root systems free from serious kinking, circling, damages, or other defects; and
Be of a type otherwise permitted by law.
Containers: Balling. Unless bare root trees or trees in other types or sizes of containers are specified by the City, all trees shall be grown or established in containers of not less than fifteen (15) gallons capacity or be balled in burlap in accordance with industry standards.
Redwood shavings. Redwood shavings shall be redwood shavings combined with one pound of actual nitrogen for each cubic yard of shavings.
Planting tablets. For tree plantings, planting tablets shall be a commercial fertilizer in tablet form meeting industry standards. The tablet shall be compressed and yield a slow release of nutrient over a twelve (12) month period.
Standard plans for tree planting and landscaping: Distribution. The Director from time to time shall update the standard plans for tree planting and landscaping, based on current industry standards, for distribution to developers and other applicants to aid in fulfilling the requirements of this chapter. Such plans shall be printed diagrams and instructions which illustrate the criteria, procedures, and other requirements of this chapter for the installation of landscaping.
Prepared soil mix. When soil analysis is not a requirement, the prepared soil mix for the backfill for the pits for trees shall consist of the following:
One-third Redwood shavings fortified with nitrogen;
Two-thirds natural soil with organic fertilizer; and
Appropriate planting tablets based upon tree size and industry standards.
In planting locations where soil analyses were required, the prepared soil mix shall be based on test results. Amendments to be combined with native soil shall be determined by the City on the basis of what the tests reveal will be required and shall be a requirement for parkway trees.
Planting holes. For trees, all planting holes shall be dug square with bottoms level, the width not less than two (2) times the diameter of the ball and the depth two (2) times the depth of the ball. The planting holes shall be inspected by the City prior to the planting of the trees. The Director may require four vertical mulch holes (3″ wide by 3′ deep) to accommodate poor drainage, and the installation of root control devices at the expense of the developer or property owner planting trees or having trees planted. Such devices shall be approved as to design and materials by the Director.
The holes shall be backfilled with the thoroughly mixed prepared soil to the bottom of the tree ball. The planting tablets shall be evenly spaced around the perimeter of the hole on the top of the prepared soil.
Tree placement. Each tree shall be placed in the center of the hole, in vertical position, so that the crown of the root ball will stand one inch (1") above the finish grade.
Backfilling. After setting a tree, the rest of the hole shall be backfilled with the prepared soil mix and watered thoroughly. The soil shall be firmed down, eliminating air pockets. The soil shall not be packed.
Basins. For tree plantings, a six (6″) inch high berm shall be built around the edge of the excavated hole to form a basin for holding at least twenty (20) gallons of water. The bottom of the basin shall be at the surrounding finish grade. The basin shall be filled with water, with care taken not to break down the berm with the hose stream nor to gouge out holes in the backfill.
Staking. Each fifteen (15) gallon sized tree shall be supported with two (2), two (2″) inch by eight foot (8′) round lodge pole pine, green colored, pentachloral phenol preservative treated stakes. Trees larger than fifteen (15) gallon sized shall be supported by four (4), three (3″) inch by twelve foot (12′) lodge poles.
Tying. Each tree shall be secured to the stake with cinch ties, or corded tire ties, in accordance with industry standards.
Maintenance. Prior to acceptance by the City, the permittee shall maintain the trees and shrubs by watering, restaking, and retying as necessary.
Acceptance. Acceptance of planted street trees and shrubs in residential developments shall be in accordance with the subdivision provisions (see Chapter 2 of Title 9 of this Code). Street trees and shrubs planted at commercial and industrial developments will be accepted by the Council with the street improvements if the planting is completed. If any trees or shrubs remain to be planted, the Council may elect to follow the procedures and exercise its options as set forth in the subdivision provisions.
For a period of one year following the date of the acceptance of the tract improvements, the developer shall maintain all landscaping in a condition acceptable to the Director.
(§ 1, Ord. 1020, eff. June 10, 2002, §§ 9110, 9110-1 through 9110-10, 9110-10.1, and 9110-11 through 9110-17, S.V.M.C., as added by § 1, Ord. 204, as amended by § 4, Ord. 489, eff. November 4, 1981)