§ 7-3.14. Trees in public places: Trimming: Permits.
By City forces. City forces, within available resources, shall periodically trim all trees in the street rights-of-way and in public places in accordance with their growth characteristics. Trees will generally be raised to provide a nine (9′) foot limb clearance at the curb line and a fourteen (14′) foot limb clearance above the street, unless circumstances warrant or require an alternate procedure.
By individuals: Permits required. No other person or entity shall trim any public tree without the prior approval of, and a permit from, the Director. The Director is hereby authorized to impose conditions in such permits in order to prevent damages to trees, to the public rights-of-way, and to any property, to prevent injuries to persons, and to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
By individuals: Bonds: Cash deposits. The Director may also require a surety bond or cash deposit to secure the safe conduct of the work and the cleanup and the restoration of the site. The amount of security required shall bear a reasonable relationship to the application and to the protection sought to be afforded. The bonds, if required, shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval as to form. No permit shall become effective until and unless the bond is approved. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
By individuals: Denial. If the Director determines that the requirements of this chapter have not been fulfilled, he/she may refuse to issue the permit.
(§ 1, Ord. 1020, eff. June 10, 2002, §§ 9103-9 and 9103-9.1, S.V.M.C., as added by § 1, Ord. 204)