Simi Valley |
Code of Ordinances |
Article 6. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction |
§ 7-5.605. Standards for subdivisions and other proposed development.
All new subdivisions proposals and other proposed development, including proposals for manufactured home parks and subdivisions greater than one acre shall:
Provide future conditions hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis to identify the 100-year, 500-year and floodway flood elevations and boundaries.
Analysis shall use the City's most recent aerial and Quality Level 1 (QL1) or better LiDAR topography.
Analysis shall be consistent with the most current City Master Plan of Drainage models and future conditions hydrologic land use mapping.
Identify the elevations of lowest floors of all proposed structures and pads on the final plans.
If the site is filled above the BFE, the following as-built information for each structure shall be certified by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and provided as part of an application for a letter of map revision based on fill (LOMR-F) to the Floodplain Administrator:
Lowest floor elevation.
Pad elevation.
Lowest adjacent grade.
All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
All subdivisions shall provide adequate drainage to reduce exposure to flood hazards. Certification of compliance shall be required of the developer.
In areas upstream of the limit of study, as delineated on the community FIRM, where BFE data is not available, a floodplain study must be performed by a professional engineer (PE) establishing the BFE and the floodplain and floodway boundaries prior to issuing a development permit.
All proposed lots or parcels that will be future building sites shall have a minimum buildable area outside the natural (non-filled) one percent chance annual floodplain. The buildable area shall be large enough to accommodate any primary structure and associated structures such as sheds, barns, swimming pools, detached garages, on-site sewage disposal systems, and water supply wells, if applicable.
Unless otherwise approved by the City Council, the following shall apply:
All street surfaces must be located at or above the BFE; and
Commercial and industrial development may not allow parking more than one foot below the BFE.
(§ 1 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1268, eff. April 20, 2017)