§ 8-11.06. Safety assessment placards.

Latest version.
  • This section is hereby added to the Code:

    A.Intent. This section established standard placards to be used to indicate the condition of a structure for continued occupancy. The section further authorizes the Building Official and his or her authorized representatives to post the appropriate placard at each entry point to a building or structure upon completion of a safety assessment.

    B. Application of Provisions. The provisions of this Chapter are applicable to all buildings and structures of all occupancies regulated by the City of Simi Valley. The City Council may extend the provisions as necessary.

    C. Definitions.

    Safety assessment is a visual, non-destructive examination of a building or structure for purpose of determining the condition for continued occupancy.

    D. Placards.

    (1) The following are verbal descriptions of the official placards to be used to designate the condition for continued occupancy of buildings or structures.

    (a)  INSPECTED — Lawful Occupancy Permitted is to be posted on any building or structure wherein no apparent structural hazard has been found. This placard is not intended to mean that there is no damage to the building or structure.

    (b)  RESTRICTED USE is to be posted on each building or structure that has been damaged wherein the damage has resulted in some form of restriction to the continued occupancy. The individual who posts this placard will note in general terms the type of damage encountered and will clearly and concisely note the restrictions on continued occupancy.

    (c)  UNSAFE — Do Not Enter or Occupy is to be posted on each building or structure that has been damaged such that continued occupancy poses a threat to life safety. Buildings or structures posted with this placard shall not be entered under any circumstance except as authorized in writing by the Building Official, or his or her authorized representative. Safety assessment teams shall be authorized to enter these buildings at any time. This placard is not to be used or considered as a demolition order. The individual who posts this placard will note in general terms the type of damage encountered.

    (2) This ordinance number, the name of the jurisdiction, its address, and phone number shall be permanently affixed to each placard.

    (3) Once it has been attached to a building or structure, a placard is not to be removed, altered or covered until done so by an authorized representative of the Building Official. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to alter, remove, cover or deface a placard unless authorized pursuant to this section.


    This section is amended by the addition of the following:

    Excavation at or adjacent to slopes. A geotechnical report addressing slope stability shall be submitted for plan review when an excavation or construction of a swimming pool, spa, retaining wall or similar structure encroaches into the projected plane of a 3:1 or steeper slope.


    Local Geological, Topographic Conditions - The City of Simi Valley, the greater Ventura County area, and the southern California region is a densely populated area having buildings constructed over and near a vast array of fault systems capable of producing major earthquakes, including but not limited to the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The City of Simi Valley is located adjacent to mountainous wildland areas subject to high winds and fires. The City contains areas designated as flood zones, liquefaction, and landslide hazards. These amendments are required to address and clarify special needs to reduce hazards resulting from landslides and excessive erosion. This modification to improve design and construction methods for all types of structures shall be incorporated into the Code to assure that new buildings and additions to existing buildings are designed and constructed in accordance with the scope and objectives of the California Building Code. For this reason, this jurisdiction determines that these amendments are reasonably necessary.

(§ 1 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1262, eff. January 5, 2017)