§ 9-24.050. Residential and Open Space District Setback Exceptions  

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  • The following exceptions apply to the setback requirements shown in Table 2-3. See also Section 9-30.080 (Setback Requirements and Exceptions). For Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units, refer to Section 9-44.160.


    Front yard setback requirements. In the RVL, RL, RM, and RMod zones, subject to the approval of a Planned Development Permit for five or more units, up to 50 percent of the units on a block may have the living area portion of the house set back no closer than 15 feet from the front property line; and, up to 25 percent of the units on a block may have garages set back no closer than 15 feet from the front property line, provided the garage is "side facing," and there is a minimum driveway length of at least 20 feet; and up to 25 percent of the units on a block may have covered porches extend up to 10 feet into the required front setback, provided the covered porch extends no closer than 10 feet to the front property line. Further, these provisions shall apply only to projects with houses fronting along roads that are designed and built using Ventura County Design Plate B-4 (parkway between curb and sidewalk).


    Side yard setback requirements.


    Applicability of setback requirements. The side yard setbacks in Table 2-3 shall only apply to projects with five units or more filed after January 5, 2006 (the effective date of the Development Code). For projects with four units or less filed after April 5, 2007: the minimum interior side yard setback shall be five feet for a single-story house and for a one-story element of a two-story house, and 10 feet for a two-story house, provided that the Commission determines that the less restrictive setbacks are compatible with the setbacks of adjacent residential developments. The minimum street-facing side yard setbacks shall be 10 feet for all structures, regardless of project size and number of stories. The side yard setbacks for existing houses and for projects deemed complete before January 5, 2006, shall be five feet for a single-story house, and six feet to 10 feet for a two-story house, or as approved by the Commission for that lot. The side yard setbacks are only applicable to single-family residential zones in RVL through RMod zones and do not apply to OS or RE zones.


    Zero lot line projects. For a zero lot line development (or for any other single-family detached project with one side yard of less than six feet) the sum of both side yard setbacks shall add up to a minimum of 10 feet. For zero lot line projects processed as Planned Development permits, the lot shall retain the sum of both required side yards on one side.


    Rear yard setback requirements.


    Freeway setback. In all residential zones, where lots and uses back on to the State Route 118 Freeway, rear yard setbacks may be reduced to five feet for all structures, provided no structures shall cumulatively cover more than 40% of any yard.


    The total cumulative length of an Accessory Dwelling Unit and all accessory structures may not be more than 50 percent of the width of the rear setback area.


    Accessory structure height limits. A Conditional Use Permit shall be required to exceed the height limits established in Table 2-3. The maximum height of any accessory structure shall not exceed the maximum height permitted for a primary structure. Exceptions to this Section may be found for Accessory Dwelling Units in Section 9-44.160.


    Development Feature Requirement by Zoning District
    Minimum lot size Minimum area and width for parcels proposed in new subdivisions, except where a different requirement is established by Section 9-24.060.
    Area 40 acres 1 acre
    Width 125 ft (1)(2)
    Maximum density Maximum number of dwelling units that may be allowed on a single lot or, where applicable, per acre. The Conditional Use Permit or Planned Development processes may result in fewer units being approved than the maximum allowed.
    1 primary unit per 40 acres 1 primary unit per lot
    Setbacks Minimum and maximum setbacks required. See Section 9-30.080 for setback measurement, allowed projections into setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks.
    Front 50 ft (4) 20 ft
    Sides (each)
     Interior & corner
    10 ft (4)
     Reverse corner, streetside 20 ft
     Rear 20 ft (4)
    Height limit Maximum allowed height of structures; see Section 9-30.060 for height measurement and exceptions to these height limits.
    Primary structure 2 stories, not to exceed 30 ft (5)
    Accessory structure 18 ft (3)(5)
    Landscaping As required by Chapter 9-33 (Landscaping Standards).
    Parking As required by Chapter 9-34 (Parking and Loading Standards).



    (1) Within a major subdivision (5 or more lots), average lot width shall be 125 feet, the minimum lot width shall be 80 feet, and 60 feet in a cul-de-sac.

    (2) Proposed parcels shall not exceed a depth-to-width ratio of 3-to-1.

    (3) CUP required to exceed height limit. See Section 9-24.050(C).

    (4) Setbacks may be reduced by up to 50% for residential structures adjacent to Open Space zoning Districts, RSRPD parkland, Homeowners Association (HOA) Greenbelts, or Ventura County Watershed Protection District Channels provided no structures cumulative cover more than 40 percent of the rear yard area.

    (5) Up to a 10% increase in height for all residences and accessory structures may be granted in accordance with 9-30.060.D.2.


    Development Feature Requirement by Zoning District
    RVL RL RM RMod-Single
    Minimum lot size Minimum area and width for parcels proposed in new subdivisions, except where a different requirement is established by Section 9-24.050.
    Area 20,000 sf 10,000 sf 8,000 sf 5,000 sf (3)
    Width 100 ft (1)(3) 80 ft (2)(3) 40 ft (3) 40 ft (3)
    Setbacks Minimum setbacks required. See Section 9-30.080 for setback measurement, allowed projections into setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks.
    Front (4) 20 ft
    Sides (each) (5)(6)(8)
    6 ft for 1-story structures; 8 ft for a 1-story element of a 2-story building; 10 ft for a 2-story building wall.
     Streetside 10 ft
     Rear (8) 20 ft
    Height limit Maximum allowed height of structures; see Section 9-30.060 for height measurement and exceptions to these height limits.
    Primary structure (9) 2 stories, not to exceed 30 ft
    Accessory structure (7)(9) 18 ft
    Landscaping As required by Chapter 9-33 (Landscaping Standards).
    Parking As required by Chapter 9-34 (Parking and Loading Standards).



    (1) When the lot is within a major subdivision (5 or more lots) the average lot width shall be 100 feet, the minimum lot width shall be 80 feet, and 40 feet in a cul-de-sac.

    (2) When the lot is within a major subdivision (5 or more lots) the average lot width shall be 80 feet, the minimum lot width shall be 70 feet, and 40 feet in a cul-de-sac.

    (3) Proposed parcels shall not exceed a depth-to-width ratio of 3-to-1.

    (4) Refer to Section 9-24.050(A).

    (5) Refer to Section 9-24.050(B)(1).

    (6) When new dwellings are proposed adjacent to a commercially zoned parcel, the distance between habitable structures on each parcel shall be 25 feet, plus 1 additional foot for each foot or portion thereof by which the new structure exceeds 20 feet in height.

    (7) Nontraditional, nonresidential accessory structures are limited to 10 ft height on lots less than 20,000 square feet.

    (8) Setbacks may be reduced by up to 50% for residential structures adjacent to Open Space zoning Districts, RSRPD parkland, Homeowners Association (HOA) Greenbelts, or Ventura County Watershed Protection District Channels provided no structures cumulatively cover more than 40 percent of the rear yard area.

    (9) Up to a 10% increase in height for all residences and accessory structures may be granted in accordance with 9-30.060.D.2.


    Development Feature Requirement by Zoning District
    Minimum lot size Minimum area and width for parcels proposed in new subdivisions, except where a different requirement is established by Section 9-24.060.
    Area 5,000 square feet

    To be determined through subdivision process (1)
    Width 40 ft (2)
    Maximum density Maximum number of dwelling units that may be allowed on a single lot or, where applicable, per acre. The Conditional Use Permit or Planned Development processes may result in fewer units being approved than the maximum allowed. See Chapter 9-31 for density bonus provisions.
    10 units/acre 20 units/acre 35 units/acre See 9-24.060(B)(5)
    Setbacks Minimum setbacks required. See Section 9-30.080 for setback measurement, allowed projections into setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks.
    Front 20 ft
    20 ft. An additional 1 ft of setback shall be required for each additional 1 ft or portion of bldg. height over 15 ft. 20 ft
    Sides (each) (4)
     Interior (6)
    15 ft (3)
    15 ft
    10 ft
    None required
     Street side 10 ft
     Rear (6) 20 ft
    Height limit (7) Maximum allowed height of structures; see Section 9-30.060 for height measurement and exceptions to these height limits.
    Primary structure 2 stories, not to exceed 30 ft
    3 stories or 40 ft, whichever is less
    25 ft
    Accessory structure (5) 18 ft
    Landscaping As required by Chapter 9-33 (Landscaping Standards).
    Parking As required by Chapter 9-34 (Parking and Loading Standards).



    (1) Condominium, townhome, or planned development projects may be subdivided with smaller parcel sizes for ownership purposes, with the minimum lot area requirement determined through the subdivision review process, provided that the overall development site complies with the lot area requirements of this Chapter.

    (2) Proposed parcels should not exceed a depth-to-width ratio of 3-to-1.

    (3) 15 ft is required side setback for multi-family structures only; 6 ft minimum is required for a 1-story detached single-family dwelling; 10 ft minimum is required for a 2-story detached single-family dwelling, except as provided in Section 9-24.050(B).

    (4) When new dwellings are proposed adjacent to a commercially zoned parcel, the distance between habitable structures on each parcel shall be 25 feet, plus 1 additional foot for each foot or portion thereof by which the new structure exceeds 20 feet in height.

    (5) Non-traditional, nonresidential accessory structures are limited to 10 ft height on lots less than 20,000 square feet.

    (6) Setbacks may be reduced by up to 50% for residential structures adjacent to Open Space zoning Districts, RSRPD parkland, Homeowners Association (HOA) Greenbelts, or Ventura County Watershed Protection District Channels provided no structures cumulative cover more than 40 percent of the rear yard area.

    (7) Up to a 10% increase in height for all residences and accessory structures may be granted in accordance with 9-30.060.D.2.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1094, eff. July 20, 2006; § 2 (part), Ord. 1110, eff. April 6, 2007; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1183, eff. March 15, 2012; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1221, eff. February 13, 2014; § 2(Exh. A), Ord. No. 1265, eff. January 9, 2017 and § 2(Exh. A), Ord. No. 1289, eff. July 5, 2018)