§ 9-26.020. Purposes of Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts  

Latest version.
  • The commercial and industrial zoning districts are intended to provide and maintain opportunities for a diversity of commercial enterprises. The purposes of the individual zoning districts and the manner in which they are applied are as follows:


    CO (Commercial Office) district. The CO zoning district is intended to provide areas for business and professional offices, related services, and other uses compatible with and especially sensitive to the surrounding land uses.


    CN (Commercial Neighborhood) district. The CN zoning district is intended to provide a limited range of products and services to the residents of the surrounding neighborhood. Restrictions may be placed on permitted uses, hours of operation, intensity of use, lighting and delivery hours.


    CR (Commercial Recreation) district. The CR zoning district is intended to provide for the development of recreational, entertainment, and associated retail and service activities meant to serve primarily the needs of the local population.


    CC (Civic Center) district. The CC zoning district is intended to provide an area devoted primarily to public facilities and supportive commercial activities, and to encourage a concentration of these facilities in a centralized location.


    CPD (Commercial Planned Development) district. The CPD zoning district is intended to encourage the development of attractive, innovative, and efficient commercial sites containing a broad range of retail, office and service commercial uses.


    CI (Commercial Industrial) district. The CI zoning district is intended to provide an area combining light industrial uses with commercial activities that are frequently incompatible with conventional retail or office areas.


    RCC (Regional Commercial Center) district. The RCC zoning district is intended to designate a site for an enclosed mall anchored by two or more major department stores with intervening specialty stores.


    BP (Business Park) district. The BP zoning district is intended to provide areas for quality industrial development, together with supportive and compatible, but not necessarily accessory retail, office, and commercial uses, in unique geographic areas. Development and performance standards for this zoning district will be developed on a case-by-case basis through a required Specific Plan to protect the unique qualities of these areas while still providing development opportunities.


    LI (Light Industrial) district. The LI zoning district is intended to provide areas for a variety of light manufacturing, service, technical research, and related business office uses, operating under performance standards which will result in very few outside impacts.


    GI (General Industrial) district. The GI zoning district is intended to provide areas for a broad range of manufacturing and quasi-industrial activities, while providing appropriate safeguards for adjoining industrial property, nearby nonindustrial property, and the community in general.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)