§ 9-28.030. Animal (A, L, and H) Overlay Districts  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The A (Farm Animal), L (Limited Farm Animal) and H (Horse) overlay zoning districts are intended to identify areas within the City where farm animals (for example, horses, cows, steers, bulls, pigs and swine, goats and sheep, bees, poultry and similar ground birds, rabbits and non-carnivorous fur-bearing animals, turkeys, and other birds) may be raised and maintained. These zones allow recognition of specific areas and developments within the City that are farm animal oriented because of their rural-like settings or common equestrian themes. These overlay zoning districts are intended to provide large discrete areas for the keeping of farm animals or horses only, that avoid the common incompatibility problems associated with animal keeping on isolated and dispersed parcels, and formally identify portions of the City that are intended to remain animal areas over the long term.


    Allowed land uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the A, L, and H overlay districts subject to the land use permit requirements of the primary district. Animal keeping shall comply with the standards in Section 9-44.060 (Animal Keeping).


    Development standards. Proposed development and new land uses within the A, L, and H overlay districts shall comply with all applicable requirements of the primary zoning district. Animal keeping shall comply with the standards in Section 9-44.060 (Animal Keeping).

(Amended during 3-07 supplement)