Simi Valley |
Code of Ordinances |
Title 9. DEVELOPMENT CODE Simi Valley Municipal Code |
Chapter 9-28. Overlay Zoning Districts* |
§ 9-28.040. Freeway Combining (FC) Overlay District
Purpose. The FC (Freeway Combining) overlay zoning district is intended to regulate residential development along the freeway corridor in an effort to minimize the number of people impacted by the negative elements of the freeway. The FC overlay zone is established in recognition of the fact that residential development near the Simi Valley Freeway requires special consideration in construction and design. These special standards are meant to provide acoustic and visual protection for residents of dwellings to be constructed within the freeway impacted area as well as enhance the appearance of the freeway corridor through the City.
Allowable land uses and permit requirements. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the FC overlay district subject to the land use permit requirements of the primary district. The following may also be allowed with Conditional Use Permit approval:
Commercial recreation facilities - indoor;
Commercial recreation facilities - outdoor; and
Dinner house restaurants.
Development standards. The following standards shall be implemented by the review authority primarily in terms of performance. The specific requirements for any particular property shall be determined by considering all of the information and the specific conditions which affect a particular site and mitigating those conditions to meet the following standards.
Proposed development shall incorporate building and site planning techniques to decrease noise and air pollution impacts on residential uses within the FC overlay district. Materials used and design for exterior walls, windows, doors, and other structural components shall be constructed and installed to achieve the maximum protection from freeway generated noise and air pollution.
Exemption. The construction of one dwelling unit on a parcel that was legally recorded prior to July 21, 1986 shall not be required to meet the exterior noise standards of this Section.
Acoustical report. Plans submitted to the City for proposed residential development shall include an acoustical report prepared and certified by a qualified engineer. The report shall include a noise survey indicating present and 2020 projected noise levels on the proposed building site. Data shall include noise levels at peak hour and late evening/early morning time periods. If the readings are averaged, a maximum one-hour averaging period shall be used. The noise sample data shall be approved by City staff to verify that representative noise sampling points have been included. Noise mitigation measures shall be included as part of the development plans. Noise attenuation measures shall be identified (e.g., barriers, landscaping, separation distance, walls, etc.) in addition to identification of the dBA reduction provided by each measure.
Ambient noise levels. Ambient noise levels for new residential developments within the FC overlay district shall not exceed 60 dBA for exterior areas and 45 dBA for interior areas based on 2020 traffic projections.
Soundproofing. Structural soundproofing shall be provided for dwelling units that are projected to have a higher interior noise level than 45 dBA in 2020. The amount and type of wall, roof, and window soundproofing shall be sufficient to maintain a maximum ambient noise level in living areas no greater than 45 dBA using projected 2020 traffic figures, with all windows, doors and other openings closed. Soundproofing techniques shall include the following:
Where windows face the freeway or an access ramp, double-paned and double-strength windows, manufactured and installed to specifications that prevent any sound being generated by window vibration caused by heavy vehicle movement on the freeway;
Acoustically designed doors, with gasketed stops and an integral drop seal;
Insulation within the exterior walls of living areas that will provide a sufficiently high sound transmission class (STC) to lower the interior ambient noise level to 45 dBA;
Special soundproofing insulation and design features within roofs and ceilings to meet the 45 dBA interior ambient noise level requirement; and
Air conditioning to serve all living areas in all new dwellings within 250 feet of the freeway right-of-way. Dwellings beyond 250 feet but within 700 feet of the right-of-way shall be designed so that spaces for furnaces and utility ducts are large enough to accommodate the future installation of central air conditioning.
Development guidelines.
Landscape/wall buffering. Development adjacent to the freeway and freeway access ramps should provide decorative block walls, dense landscaping, and mounding/earth berms within a buffer strip where determined by the Review Authority to be appropriate, to ensure the maximum protection from freeway-generated noise and particulate emissions. The specific standards for landscape buffer strip widths, wall and planting heights, and other improvements should be determined during the City's development review process. Applicants and the City should coordinate landscape buffering plans with Caltrans. Applicants should also consult with the City's Landscape Architect regarding appropriate plant materials and planting locations.
Project design. Site design and placement of dwelling units should consider noise impacts and views from the dwellings units to the freeway. Structures should be located on the site in a manner that will protect them from noise impacts and undesirable freeway views to the maximum extent feasible, as determined by the Review Authority based on substantial evidence provided by the Applicant. Noise sensitive rooms such as bedrooms should be located as far away from the freeway corridor as possible by placing nonresidential land uses such as parking lots, storage and utility areas adjacent to the freeway corridor. Applicants should cluster dwelling units where appropriate to create additional common open space to be used to increase the buffer between dwelling units and the freeway corridor.
(Amended during 3-07 supplement)