§ 9-28.070. Tapo Area Planning Overlay (TAPO) and Los Angeles Avenue Planning Overlay (LAAPO) Districts  

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  • A.



    TAPO district. The TAPO zoning district is intended to encourage and facilitate the development of new commercial establishments and the redevelopment of existing commercial structures along both sides of Tapo Street between the 118 Freeway and Los Angeles Avenue. This zone is established as part of the Revitalization Plan for Tapo Street which is intended to promote investment in the renovation of the aging business district. The TAPO overlay prescribes the boundaries of the area within which a specialized set of design guidelines and a streamlined project review process shall apply. The goal is to achieve high quality, pedestrian-oriented development through innovative application of the design guidelines adopted separately by Council resolution. See Figure 2-2 for the boundaries of the TAPO District.


    LAAPO district. The purpose of the LAAPO zoning district is to encourage and facilitate the redevelopment of existing commercial structures along both sides of Los Angeles Avenue between approximately Erringer Road and Simi Village Drive, as defined by the Zoning Map (reference Section 9-20.030). This zone is established to promote investment in the renovation of this aging business district. The overlay zone prescribes the boundaries of the area within which a specialized set of development standards shall apply. The goal is to achieve high quality, pedestrian-oriented development through innovative application of the Citywide Design Guidelines. This zone in no way modifies the land uses permitted by the underlying zoning. See Figure 2-3 for the boundaries of the LAAPO District.


    Allowable land uses. AAny land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the TAPO and LAAPO overlay districts subject to the permit requirements of the primary zoning district, as modified by Subsection D.


    Application filing and review.


    Application contents. Applications for discretionary permits shall be prepared and filed in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 9-50 (Application Filing and Processing), subject to the following:


    The application shall include a written statement from the applicant explaining how the request complies with the applicable Design Guidelines, citing each guideline being implemented.


    For applications requesting financial assistance from the City under the applicable Facade Renovation Programs, the materials submitted shall also include an application in a form as specified by the City Manager.


    Review authority. The review authority for ministerial and discretionary permits for development or redevelopment within the TAPO and LAAPO overlay zone shall be as follows:


    The Commission shall review and decide permit applications for new development and for the large-scale redevelopment of existing projects;


    The Director shall review and decide permit applications for facade renovations and for similar small-scale exterior improvements to existing projects; and


    The Director shall review and decide ministerial permit applications for changes or improvements not requested or addressed in discretionary permits reviewed by either the Commission or the Director.

    The Director shall determine what constitutes "large-scale redevelopment" and "small-scale exterior improvements." A request shall be deemed large-scale redevelopment if the application requires approval of a modification or requires approval of a Planned Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Variance.


    Findings for approval. Permits for which the Commission is the review authority shall be processed in compliance with Article 5 (Land Use and Development Review Procedures), provided that discretionary permit approval shall require that the Commission first find that the proposed project complies with the Applicable Design Guidelines to the extent that the guidelines are applicable to the proposal and can be feasibly implemented.


    Development standards. All proposed development and redevelopment shall comply with the applicable Design Guidelines, and all other applicable provisions of this Development Code.


    TAPO district. The Tapo Street Area Design Guidelines shall be established by Council resolution, and may be amended from time to time. The standard building setbacks specified in Section 9-26.040 (Commercial and Industrial District General Development Standards) shall not apply within the boundaries of the TAPO district.


    LAAPO district. All discretionary and ministerial permits for or related to the development or redevelopment of property located within the LAAPO district shall be reviewed, as set forth herein, for compliance with the Citywide Design Guidelines, as adopted by the City Council. Within the LAAPO Zone, the following standards shall apply:


    Parking. The standard number of parking spaces specified in Section 9-34.060 may be reduced by up to 10 percent (to a maximum of 10 parking spaces) if pedestrian and vehicle interconnectivity is provided with at least one adjacent parcel, subject to the approval of the approving authority.


    Outdoor patio dining.


    The front building setback for outdoor dining, including those with permanent covered structures, shall not apply within the boundaries of the overlay zone.


    The standard number of parking spaces specified in Section 9-34.060 for outdoor dining in excess of 15 percent of the gross floor area will not be required, provided the outdoor patio dining does not exceed 50 percent of the gross floor area or 500 square feet.


    Any outdoor dining, not including permanent covered structures, may be located in any enriched parkway, front or street side yard setback, and/or building landscape buffer, provided decorative tables/chairs, enhanced paving, and/or irrigated potted plants are incorporated, subject to the review of the approving authority.


    Figure 2-2. Boundaries of the TAPO District.


    Figure 2-3. Boundaries of the LAAPO District.

(Amended during 3-07 supplement, as amended by § 4 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1207, eff. March 28, 2013)