§ 9-28.080. Mixed-Use (MU) Overlay District  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the MU Overlay District designation is to create opportunities within the City to provide for a compatible mix of land uses, including residential, retail, and offices. The Mixed-Use Overlay allows properties to be developed with commercial retail or offices uses on the ground floor and housing on the second floor or above; a mix of differing land uses distributed horizontally on a site; or a single land use, as designated on the Community Subareas and Districts Maps (refer to Figures 2-4, 2-5, and 2-6). Mixed-Use developments strengthen the City's economic base, foster pedestrian-oriented activity, and reduce the need for automobile travel by providing a variety of goods, services, and jobs within walking distance of residences. The MU Overlay prescribes the boundaries of the area within which a specialized set of design standards and guidelines shall apply. The goal is to achieve high quality, pedestrian-oriented development through innovative application of the Citywide Design Guidelines, Residential Design Guidelines, and Landscape Design Guidelines. This zone in no way modifies the land uses permitted by the underlying zoning, except that properties that are developed for a mixture of commercial and residential uses (rather than a single-use development) must meet the standards for the Mixed-Use Overlay District, which are listed in Section 9-44.105. Single-use developments must meet development standards prescribed for that land use type (i.e., commercial retail development must meet all required commercial development standards).


    Figure 2-4, Tapo Street Corridor

    Area A

    • Vertical mixed-use development, with commercial on the ground floor and residential on the upper floors

    • General Commercial

    • Office Commercial

    • Very High Density Residential

    Area D

    • Three-story vertical mixed-use development, with commercial and residential

    • General Commercial

    • Office Commercial

    • Very High Density Residential


    Figure 2-5, Los Angeles Avenue Area

    Area B

    • Vertical mixed-use development to include housing, commercial, and entertainment uses

    • General Commercial

    • Very High Density Residential


    Figure 2-6, Los Angeles Avenue Transit-Oriented Development and Industrial Area

    Area B

    • Vertical mixed-use with residential located above ground floor retail or office uses

    • General Commercial

    Area C

    • Vertical mixed-use development with residential located above ground floor retail or office uses

    • General Commercial

    • Commercial Office

(Amended during 3-07 supplement as amended by § 3 (Exh. B), Ord. No. 1192, eff. July 19, 2012 and § 3 (Exh. B), Ord. No. 1193, eff. July 19, 2012)