§ 9-32.070. Calculation of Total Allowable Dwelling Units  

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  • A.

    Land areas included in calculations. The total allowable residential dwelling units shall be calculated based on the total land area within each slope category pursuant to Subsection A of Section 9-32.060 (Slope calculation procedures) of this Article. Except for the exclusions specified in Subsection C of this Section, all land areas, including group open space, park and recreation areas developed by the applicant and designed principally for use by the occupants of the proposal, lands dedicated to the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District pursuant to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, dedicated or otherwise reserved natural areas within the site, and lands within the proposed development required for new or expanded public rights-of-way for roadways may be included in the calculations of total allowable dwelling units if the land area is designated for residential development on the General Plan. Such areas shall be calculated as open space [one unit per 40 acres] if they are designated as Open Space on the General Plan.


    Land areas included in calculations but unbuildable. Isolated land areas shall be considered unbuildable but may be included in the calculations of allowable numbers of dwelling units (gross density) for the entire site being considered if:


    The provisions of Section 9-32.060(A)(3)(b) or (c) (Slope calculation procedures) of this Article or Subsection C of this Section do not apply; and


    A public roadway shall be constructed which traverses natural slopes in excess of 20 percent for more than 100 feet per dwelling unit requiring such access.


    Exceptions. Lands meeting any or all of the following criteria shall not be included in the calculation of total allowable dwelling units:


    All land areas, regardless of slope, which will be subject to inundation during a 100-year storm after development has occurred;


    All land which is in a geologic hazard area as defined in the Safety Element of the General Plan and for which no feasible mitigation measures are proposed consistent with the performance standards set forth in this Article; and


    All land which will lie within the easement or right-of-way boundaries of an open flood control channel after development has occurred.


    Residential dwelling unit calculations. Using the slope map described in Section 9-32.060(A) (Slope calculation procedure) of this Chapter, the maximum allowable number of units shall be calculated as follows:


    Slope Category Dwellings Units per Acre
    0-10 Percent Underlying General Plan designation at target density or 7 units per acre, whichever is less.
    10-15 Percent 1 unit per 2 acre (2 units per acre) or target density, whichever is less.
    15-20 Percent 1 unit per 4 acres (0.25 units per acre)
    20+ Percent 1 unit per 40 acres (0.025 unit per acre)
    Areas General Planned as Open Space 1 unit per 40 acres (0.025 unit per acre; applies in all slope categories)



    Transfer of dwelling unit allocations. Within a tentative map, Planned Development Permit, vested tentative map, or any other applicable entitlement, dwelling unit allocations within the applicable slope category may be utilized pursuant to Subsection D of this Section or may be transferred to other slope categories of less than 20 percent. Residential sites shall only be developed with single-family, detached units with a maximum density of seven units per acre, except for the following:


    Senior citizen housing;


    Residential projects located on a parcel not visible from viewpoints from the valley floor as defined in Section 9-32.150(C)(2) of this Chapter and containing at least 25 percent of the units which are affordable for low income and very low income households, as defined by the Housing Element of the General Plan (which, as of February, 1986, or as amended from time to time, was established for a family of four as an annual income of Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100ths ($16,700.00) Dollars or less for very low and Twenty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100ths ($26,700.00) Dollars or less for low) and which do not exceed a maximum density of ten (10) units per gross acre, including density bonus and density transfer.

    In no event shall the exceptions set forth in this Subsection exceed the 20 percent slope restrictions.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)