Simi Valley |
Code of Ordinances |
Title 9. DEVELOPMENT CODE Simi Valley Municipal Code |
Chapter 9-34. Parking and Loading Standards |
§ 9-34.090. Design Requirements
Access drives. Except for single-family detached dwellings, groups of four or more parking spaces shall be located and served by an access drive in a manner that ensures that use of the spaces and access drive would not require a backing movement or other maneuvering within a street right-of-way, excluding alleys.
Vertical clearance of all access drives shall be a minimum of 13 1/2 feet above the finished surface.
Entrances from and exits to streets and alleys shall be provided at locations reviewed and approved by the Director and the Director of Public Works.
Except for single-family detached dwellings, and unless expressly recommended otherwise by the Directors, access drives onto public streets shall be a minimum of:
100 feet apart, measured centerline to centerline; and
300 feet apart on arterial streets.
Where the nature or location of the project precludes compliance with the above listed minimums, the maximum possible separation shall be provided.
Minimum aisle widths.
The minimum width of access driveways for:
Detached single-family residences or for duplexes on a single parcel shall be nine feet; and
Any greater number of residential units on a single parcel, or any commercial or industrial project site shall be as wide as the aisle widths identified in Section 9-34.080 (Dimensional Requirements), above.
For multi-family residential infill projects of no more than four dwelling units where a drive aisle provides two-way access, and is not required to provide turning movements for parking, the minimum required aisle width shall be 20 feet.
Driveway approaches (within the public right-of-way) shall conform to Public Works standards.
Any increase in off-site width and the length for which that width extends into the site due to the nature, substantial size, or location of the project, or the use of a common driveway, shall be reviewed and approved by the Director and the Director of Public Works.
All access driveways, except for single-family residential parcels, shall have radius side returns per Public Works Standards where the driveway meets the public or private street.
No part of a driveway approach shall extend onto the frontage of adjacent property nor be within the street curb return of the fronting street nor within five feet of the end of the street curb return. No on-site parking or access shall be allowed that would use a handicap ramp for vehicular access.
Wherever possible, a common driveway for two or more adjacent projects shall be provided.
The centerline of a driveway shall be no more than 15 degrees from perpendicular to the street centerline.
Single-family detached residences.
A driveway shall be a minimum nine feet wide but not wider than the garage it serves, except for the allowance of an additional 10-foot wide parking space which may be placed alongside a driveway, on the side closest to a side property line.
An unobstructed paved parking space, a minimum of 20 feet in length, shall be provided in front of each required parking space.
No onsite parking or access shall be allowed that would use an ADA sidewalk ramp for vehicular access.
Tandem parking prohibited. Except as otherwise allowed in this Chapter, each required parking space shall have unobstructed access to a street, alley, aisle, or drive connecting with a street or alley without requiring movement of another vehicle.
Commercial and industrial development access. Private streets serving commercial and industrial developments shall have a minimum vehicle access width of 40 feet.
Cul-de-sac design.
The maximum length of any cul-de-sac shall be 800 feet.
The minimum cul-de-sac radius for commercial or industrial projects shall be 50 feet, per Public Works Standards.
Parking and access surface requirements.
All parking areas, aisles, and on-site access drives shall be paved with a minimum of:
Two inches of asphalt on four inches of compacted base or four inches of concrete in residential areas; or
Four inches of concrete in commercial and industrial areas;
Driveway approaches at public streets shall be constructed per Public Works Standards, with six inches of concrete for residential use and seven inches of concrete for commercial or industrial use;
All parking areas, aisles, and access drives shall be maintained with a durable, dustless surface; and
The Director of Public Works may approve alternate materials and specifications in lieu of the requirements identified in this Subsection.
Lighting. Lights provided to illuminate a parking facility or paved area shall be designed to reflect away from any residential use in order to eliminate glare, in compliance with Section 9-30.040 (Exterior Light and Glare).
Landscaping. Landscaping shall be installed and maintained in compliance with Chapter 9-33 (Landscaping Standards).
Parking lots shall be completely striped, indicating individual parking spaces and traffic lanes as provided in the City approved plan.
Handicapped spaces shall be striped, marked, and signed in compliance with State law (California Administrative Code Title 24).
All parking and circulation areas shall be designed with an adequate drainage system, and improvements shall consist of appropriate devices as specified and approved by the City Engineer.
Drainage shall be subject to all NPDES and SQUIMP Requirements of the Stormwater Quality Management Program.
Maximum slopes.
Parking lot areas.
Parking lot areas used exclusively for parking and turnarounds shall be designed and improved with a grade not exceeding five percent slope.
Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be in compliance with State law (California Administrative Code Title 24).
Driveways within a parking lot shall be designed and improved with a grade not exceeding 10 percent slope.
Driveways providing a means of ingress and egress to a lot upon which is proposed to be located one single-family dwelling shall not be subject to this requirement.
Drive-through stacking. All facilities proposing a drive-through feature shall provide a minimum vehicle stacking length of 150 feet, with the exception of drive-through pharmacies, which shall provide a minimum vehicle stacking length of 85 feet (queuing distance may be achieved by queuing in more than a single row).
Refer to Section 9-44.160 for Accessory Dwelling Unit parking.
(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1094, eff. July 20, 2006, § 2 (part), Ord. 1110, eff. April 6, 2007; § 4, Ord. 1128, eff. April 17, 2008 and § 2(Exh. A), Ord. No. 1265, eff. January 9, 2017)