§ 9-44.060. Animal Keeping  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. This Section establishes standards and conditions for the keeping of all animals in the City while protecting the health, safety and welfare of its residents.


    Applicability. The standards in this Section shall apply equally to residential properties within or outside of the (A), (L), and (H) overlay zones, with the exception of the density standards, except as noted in specific standards.


    General requirements.


    Enclosure. All animals shall be properly caged or housed, and must be kept in their corrals, barns, pens or other enclosure. All corrals, pens, coops, lofts, exercise areas, or similar structures shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed to adequately confine the animals.


    Maintenance. All buildings housing farm animals, all animal enclosures, and all pasture areas shall be maintained free from litter, garbage and the accumulation of manure. Premises shall be maintained in a neat and sanitary manner. If farm animals are not maintained in compliance with these standards, or are otherwise allowed to become a nuisance, the City shall initiate enforcement proceedings in compliance with Chapter 9-78 (Enforcement).


    Compost bins. Property owners electing to permanently place a compost bin enclosure in the front yard area shall adhere to the standards listed in Section 9-24.060(A)(6).


    Animal disturbance. No person shall keep or permit to remain on any premises within the City any animal that habitually disturbs the peace and quiet of two or more residents (in two different dwelling units) in a neighborhood, by howling, barking, crying, baying or making any other noise. Included, but not limited are such animals as roosters, peacocks and geese. Except for barking dogs, this requirement shall not apply in the (A), (L), and (H) overlay zones.


    Standards for animals other than farm animals.


    Bee keeping. Beehives shall be permitted in the RVL, RE and OS Zones on lots of three acres or more without requirement of the overlay zone designation.


    Dogs, cats, and Vietnamese pot bellied pigs.


    Domestic cats, dogs and Vietnamese pot bellied pigs may be kept as an accessory use, upon lots used primarily for residential or agricultural uses, for recreational purposes (and as protection) as provided in Subsection (D)(2)(b). They are permitted to be kept as an accessory use upon any lot developed with an office, business or other commercial or industrial use for the primary purpose of protecting the premises from varmints and trespassers.


    Within the OS, RE, RVL, RL, RM, RMod, RH, RVH and MH zones, four dogs, four cats, or four Vietnamese pot bellied pigs or any combination of four of these animals may be kept on each residential unit.


    Within the Mixed-Use Overlay District (for residential uses), four dogs, four cats, or four Vietnamese pot bellied pigs or any combination of four of these animals may be kept for each residential unit.


    Breeding of dogs and cats in Residential Zones.


    Cat breeding activities for no more than four adult cats (cats over four months in age), with a limit of two litters born per household per calendar year, is allowed in all residential zones. A Home Occupation Permit is required for the sale of the cats.


    Dog breeding activities for no more than four adult dogs (dogs over four months in age), with a limit of two litters born per household per calendar year, are allowed in the Animal (A) Overlay Zone, Limited Farm Animal (L) Overlay Zone and Horse (H) Overlay Zone on lots of 20,000 square feet or more in size (exclusive of any homeowner's association landscape easements), that have a detached single-family dwelling. A Home Occupation Permit is required for the sale of the dogs.


    Cat breeding involving five or more cats is allowed on properties, which have a detached single-family dwelling, with a Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions:


    The maximum number of cats is limited to 12 adult cats (cats over four months in age) and two litters born per household per calendar year, subject to compliance with the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department specifications for animal health and safety.


    A current kennel license issued by the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department is required.


    An annual inspection of the property must be conducted by the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department and a copy of the inspection report be provided to the City annually.


    Obtain a Home Occupation Permit issued by the City for the sale of the cats.


    Cats are to be housed only in the principal dwelling at all times unless under the full control of the owner.


    The offspring born of such cats, or other cats under four months of age, which increases the total number on the lot beyond the number permitted under the Special Use Permit, must be removed from the premises not later than four months after birth.


    The property owner, upon City request, must provide a certification from a licensed Veterinarian or other form approved by the Deputy Director/City Planner that verifies the birth date or age of all the cats being kept on the property.


    City must be provided full access to the property after 24 hours notice in order to inspect the premises for compliance with the Animal Special Use Permit conditions of approval.


    Dog breeding involving five or more dogs is allowed on residential properties with detached single-family dwellings located in an Animal (A) Overlay zone, and with a Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions:


    A minimum of 20,000 square foot lot is required (the 20,000 square feet must be exclusive of any homeowners association landscape easements).


    The maximum number of dogs is limited to 12 adult dogs (dogs over four months in age) and two litters born per household per calendar year, subject to the following criteria:


    Compliance with the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department specifications for animal health and safety.


    Dog enclosures and open dog exercise areas must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from all habitable structures located on adjoining properties.


    A current kennel license issued by the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department is required.


    An annual inspection of the property must be conducted by the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department and a copy of the inspection report be provided to the City annually.


    Obtain a Home Occupation Permit issued by the City for the sale of the dogs.


    The offspring born of such dogs, or other dogs under four months of age, which increases the total number on the lot beyond the number permitted under the Conditional Use Permit, must be removed from the premises not later than four months after birth.


    The property owner, upon City request, must provide a certification from a licensed Veterinarian or other form approved by the Deputy Director/City Planner that verifies the birth date or age of all the dogs being kept on the property.


    City to be provided full access to the property after 24 hours notice in order to inspect premises for compliance with the Conditional Use Permit conditions of approval.


    Other household animals.


    Other domestic creatures that are neither farm animals, except rabbits, exotic or wild animals (as defined in California Fish & Wildlife Code Section 2116), including domestic mice and rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, tropical fish, canaries, birds of the Psittacine family or Columbiformes family, and rabbits, may be kept upon any parcel in any zone where the principal use upon the parcel is residential, so long as animals are not maintained for commercial purposes, do not constitute a nuisance, are adequately provided with food, care and sanitary facilities, and do not exceed a total of six animals (fish being exempt), except rabbits, where a maximum of three is allowed, on any parcel either within or outside any dwelling unit.


    Household animals may be kept in excess of the number and distribution allowed by this Section upon the granting of a Conditional Use Permit in compliance with Subsection F (Modification of standards), below.


    Animals that, because of size, specialized breeding or other unique quality, cannot be clearly categorized may be allowed upon granting of a Conditional Use Permit in compliance with Subsection F (Modification of standards), below.


    Wild and exotic animals. No wild or exotic animal, nor any animal not normally considered a farm animal or domesticated household pet, shall be kept within any zoning district in the City, except as allowed to be kept per Section 9-44.050.C.


    Animals not classified. Any animal not specifically classified within this Section shall be classified by the Director as necessary, based upon a determination as to the probable negative impact of the health, safety or general welfare upon the community.


    Standards for farm animals.


    Animal Overlay Zone required. The (A), (L), or (H) Overlay Zone designations as described in this Section shall be required on a parcel in order to maintain farm animals as an allowed residential accessory use in the City, with the exception of parcels granted a Conditional Use Permit in compliance with Section 9-52.070 (Conditional Use Permits) and Subsection F (Modification of standards), below.


    (A) Overlay Zone defined. The (A) Overlay Zone shall permit all farm animals to be kept on a parcel in compliance with the standards of this Section, as allowed above. Farm animals shall consist of bulls, burros, chickens, chinchillas, cows, donkeys, ducks, goats, horses, mules, peacocks, pigs, ponies, rabbits, sheep, steers, turkeys, and other non-carnivorous fur-bearing animals of a similar size.


    (L) Overlay Zone defined. The (L) Overlay Zone shall allow only the following limited types of farm animals for purposes of this Section: burros, Columbiformes, donkeys, ducks, goats, hens (limited to five hens per parcel), horses, llamas (limited to one llama per parcel), mules, ponies and rabbits.


    (H) Overlay Zone defined . The (H) Overlay Zone shall allow only burros, donkeys, horses, mules, and ponies to be kept on a parcel in compliance with the standards of this Subsection.


    Farm animal units. The keeping of any farm animals allowed in Subsection 1, immediately above, shall be allowed in compliance with the following table of farm animal units (Table 4-1, Maximum Allowable Farm Animal Units), and the density standards in Subsection 3, below. Ponies and miniature horses are limited to 14.2 hands (56.8 inches) or less in height.


    Farm Animal Category Farm Animal Unit Equivalency (FAUE)
    One donkey, horse, or mule 1.00
    One Bull, Cow, or steer 1.00
    One Pig 0.50
    One burro, llama, pony, miniature horse, or small-statured donkey 0.50
    One peacock 0.50
    One goat or sheep 0.20
    One goose or turkey 0.10
    One chicken, Columbiforme, or duck 0.04
    One non-carnivorous fur-bearing animal, including chinchillas, rabbits, and other animals of similar size at maturity 0.03



    Density. All farm animals shall be established at the density of one farm animal unit equivalency (FAUE) for each 10,000 square feet of net parcel area for each of the first two animal units and 7,000 square feet for each animal unit thereafter, except that parcels with less than 10,000 square feet in an Animal Overlay Zone may be used for the keeping of one animal unit on a parcel; provided, the setback standards of Subsection (D)(5), below, can be met. The farm animal density on any parcel where farm animals are allowed shall not exceed the maximum allowed by this formula unless a Conditional Use Permit is granted in compliance with Subsection F (Modification of Standards), below. Density limitations shall not apply to bovine, equine, and ovine contained on parcels or contiguous assemblages of parcels under the same ownership of 25 or more in the RE or OS zoning districts.


    In establishing square footage for the purpose of calculating FAUE allowed, fractional densities shall be counted.

    Example: On a 13,000 square foot parcel, 1.3 FAUE farm animals units would be allowed.


    In calculations for allowed animals, animal categories may be combined so that the FAUE of the combined categories is equal to or less than the allowed density identified in Subsection (F)(3), above.

    Example: On a 13,000 square foot parcel in the appropriate zoning district, the following combination would be allowed:

    Four (4) sheep = 4 × 0.20
     = 0.80
    Five (5) chickens = 5 × 0.04  = 0.20
    Total FAUE Used  = 1.00
    Total FAUE Authorized  = 1.30
    FAUE Balance  = 0.30



    On lots with a minimum of 20,000 square feet of net parcel area and located in the (L) Overlay Zone, three horses may be kept as an alternative to using the Farm Animal Unit calculations in subsection 2. If this three-horse alternative is chosen for the number of Farm Animals to be located on a lot, then no additional Farm Animals shall be allowed, unless the additional animal(s) meet the standards in SVMC Section 9-44.060, which includes the density calculations for the lot area exceeding 20,000 square feet.


    Within the (L) Overlay Zone, hens are limited to five hens per parcel, and llamas are limited to one llama per parcel.


    Minimum parcel size. There shall be no minimum parcel size requirement for farm animal keeping on any animal overlay zoned parcel, except that the standards for density (Subsection 3, above) and setbacks (Subsection 5, below) shall apply in determining if a farm animal may be maintained on a parcel. In order to maintain farm animals on a parcel as an accessory use in a non-overlay zone, a minimum parcel size of 20,000 square feet and a Conditional Use Permit, approved in compliance with Subsection F (Modification of Standards), below, shall be required.




    All structures used to house farm animals, including livestock and poultry buildings, barns, coops, lofts, stables, and similar accessory structures, shall be located behind the residence on the parcel and shall maintain side and rear setbacks in compliance with the adopted Uniform Building Code, unless the site abuts a nonoverlay zoned property.


    Setbacks for the structures abutting nonoverlay zoned property shall be 20 feet when an overlay zoned property abuts nonoverlay zoned property.


    All other animal enclosures, including corrals, feed areas, paddocks, pens, uncovered stables, and similar enclosures, shall be maintained a minimum distance of 50 feet from any legally existing off-site structure used for human occupancy or habitation, other than the residence of the owner or keeper of the animals.


    Special requirements. The keeping of specific domestic animals is subject to the special requirements in this Subsection, in addition to other standards identified in this Section.


    Bovine. All bovines shall be maintained in a fenced area.


    Equine. All property on which equines are maintained shall provide a corral with a minimum area of 500 square feet for each animal.


    Swine. All swine (excluding Vietnamese pot bellied pigs) shall be maintained in pens.


    Boarding of equines. The boarding of equines is permitted in the (A), (L), and (H) Overlay Zones subject to obtaining a Home Occupation Permit in compliance with Section 9-44.090. The total number of animals kept or boarded may not exceed the number allowed by Subsection (E)(3) (Density), above. If the number to be kept or boarded exceeds the number allowed, a Conditional Use Permit shall be required in addition to the Home Occupation Permit, as follows:


    For commercial riding, rental or boarding stables and show arenas, where allowed by Article 2 (Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses, and Zone-Specific Standards) and in compliance with Section 9-44.050 (Animal Facilities); and


    For non-commercial boarding of equines, as identified in Subsection F (Modification of Standards), below.


    Hen Projects.


    The person conducting the hen project must be: 1) attending a course related to animal husbandry in an educational classroom environment; or 2) a member of a regional or nationally recognized non-profit organization, in which the person participates in a program that is associated with the raising and caring of farm animals.


    A Zoning Clearance (valid for one year) will be issued to the person and property owner to allow for a maximum of six hens (roosters not permitted) in conjunction with a hen project. The Zoning Clearance can be renewed on an annual basis.


    The property must contain a single-family dwelling and be zoned for single-family use (OS, RE, RVL, RL, RM, and RMod Zoning Districts), with a minimum of 8,000 square feet.


    The hens must be kept in a coop and enclosed area with a minimum of three square feet and a maximum of six square feet per hen. The maximum height allowed for the coop is six feet.


    The coop and enclosure must be located in the rear yard and setback ten feet from the side and rear property line.


    Animal Keeping requirements per Section 9-44.060.C must be met, including maintenance standards for the chicken coop and not disturbing the neighborhood.


    Modification of standards.


    Scope of modifications allowed. The Deputy Director/City Planner may grant a Conditional Use Permit at an administrative hearing in compliance with Section 9-52.070, to allow the keeping of:


    Farm animals as an accessory use on parcels of 20,000 square feet or more; or


    Cats, dogs, other household pets, or farm animals when otherwise allowed by these regulations, in excess of the those allowed by this Section.


    Required findings for approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The Deputy Director/City Planner may grant a Conditional Use Permit after first finding that the subject parcel is:


    Reasonably proportioned and of adequate size for the purposes requested; and


    Situated or mitigation measures have been applied, so that the animals would not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public, or to persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use.


    Minimum requirements. In granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow the keeping of farm animals as an accessory use on parcels of 20,000 square feet or more in a non-overlay zone, the following two conditions shall be applied as minimum requirements:


    The Conditional Use Permit remains valid as long as the site is not developed for a higher residential density or for a nonresidential use; and


    The Conditional Use Permit remains valid as long as the animal keeping does not cease for more than 12 months.

(Amended during 3-07 supplement as amended by § 3 (Exh. B), Ord. No. 1193, eff. July 19, 2012; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1202, eff. October 25, 2012; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1216, eff. December 19, 2013; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1217, eff. December 19, 2013; § 1 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1229, eff. November 13, 2015 and § 1 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1233, eff. February 26, 2015)