§ 9-44.100. Large Family Day Care Homes  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permit requirement. A large family day care home shall require an Administrative Conditional Use Permit approval.


    Standards. Each large family day care home shall comply with the following standards, as minimum requirements:


    The CUP shall remain valid as long as the State license is approved, and shall not be transferable;


    The facility shall comply with building and safety requirements;


    Hours of operation shall be limited between 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.;


    The facility operator shall stagger the outdoor playtime period;


    The facility operator shall stagger the drop-off and pick-up times;


    The facility shall be provided outdoor lighting with intensity compatible with and directed away from the surrounding properties.


    Notice and hearing. The notice and hearing procedures for the CUP shall be as follows: The Environmental Services Department shall give notice of the proposed use by mailing a written notice, postage prepaid, describing the use, not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the decision to the applicant, the owners of the property involved, and to the owners of the property situated in whole or in part within a radius of 100 feet of the boundaries of the assessor's parcel(s) on which the proposed use is to be located. Names and addresses shall be obtained by the applicant from the latest equalized assessment roll. No hearing on the application for a permit issued pursuant to this paragraph shall be held before a decision is made unless a hearing is requested by the applicant or other affected persons. If a hearing is requested, the Zoning Administrator will follow the guidelines of noticing and hearing procedures in Chapter 9-74 (Public Hearings).


    Required findings. The approval of a large family day care home shall require that the Zoning Administrator first find that:


    The large family child day care home has a valid final Building Permit; and


    The large family child day care home is not located within 300 feet of another large family day care home.

(Amended during 3-07 supplement)