§ 9-44.180. Gas (Service) Stations  

Latest version.
  • Gas (automobile service) stations and commercial uses with accessory gasoline and/or diesel fuel sales shall comply with the following standards.


    Limitations on location. A service station shall be approved only in the following locations.


    No more than two automobile service stations may be constructed at a given intersection and only one at a "T" intersection. The freeway shall not be considered as a street for purposes of this Section.


    An automobile service station shall be approved only in conjunction with and designed as a part of a larger development, such as a shopping center, travel complex or auto service center.


    Access. Each driveway shall comply with the following standards.


    No part of the driveway entrance curb return shall be within the street curb return of any two fronting streets or within five feet of the end of the street curb return.


    Wherever possible, a combined driveway for both a service station or commercial use with accessory gasoline or diesel fuel sales and an adjacent shopping center shall be provided.


    The width of a driveway shall not exceed 30 feet unless the driveway is a common driveway or special circumstances are demonstrated, in which case the width shall not exceed 40 feet, except by approval of the Commission.


    Only one driveway will be allowed on any street frontage.


    Connection to adjoining commercial development. No more than two interior access openings to an adjoining commercial area shall be permitted.


    Pump islands. A service station shall be limited to four pump islands, with not more than four meter cabinets per island. Two fuel outlet hoses for each meter cabinet may be permitted.


    Service bays. The entrance to a service bay shall not open to any street, but shall face the rear or interior side property lines.


    Restroom screening. All restroom entrances shall be screened by not less than a five-foot high decorative structure which shall conform to the general design of the facility.


    Peripheral wall. A service station site abutting a residential zone shall be provided a solid decorative masonry wall not less than six feet in height and a landscape planter not less than five feet in width along the property line abutting the residential zone. However, where the wall abuts the front yard of an adjacent residential parcel, the peripheral wall shall not exceed a height of three feet for that portion of the required front yard on the adjacent parcel.


    Merchandising. All merchandise shall be stored and displayed within the main building, except for tires, batteries, auto accessories, and lubrication items which are used to service vehicles on the site. Any auto service related merchandise displayed outside the main building shall be limited to the pump islands and immediately adjacent to the exterior of the main building.


    Used parts. No used or discarded automotive parts or equipment or permanently disabled, junked, or wrecked vehicles may be located outside the main building, except within a trash enclosure.


    Repair and service. All hydraulic hoists and pits and all lubrication, greasing, and permitted repair equipment must be enclosed entirely within a building. Operations permitted outside shall be limited to:


    The retail sale of petroleum products;


    The supply of air and water;


    Tire changing;


    Battery servicing, charging and changing; and


    Installation of minor accessories, e.g., windshield blades and arms, gas caps, lamps, etc.

    All other automotive repair shall be conducted within an enclosed building or service bay.


    Air and water facilities. All gasoline sales facilities must provide and maintain air and water facilities for public use.


    Public address system. No public address system or speaker may be located outside of the structure or be audible outside.

(Amended during 3-07 supplement)