§ 9-60.050. Advisory Agency  

Latest version.
  • Table 6-1 identifies the Advisory Agency for each type of subdivision and other decision required by this Article, and the roles of each Advisory Agency and other review authority in the application review process. In all cases, the Advisory Agency shall have the authority and responsibility to make all required findings, and approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the matters assigned to them in compliance with this Article and the Map Act, with rights of appeal assigned as noted in Table 6-1.


    Type of Subdivision Application or Decision Advisory Agency Role of Advisory Agency and Review Authority (1)
    Planning Director City Engineer Planning Commission City Council
    Certificate of Compliance City Engineer Recommend Decision Appeal Appeal
    Conditional Certificate of Compliance City Engineer Recommend Decision Appeal Appeal
    Final Map Council (2) Recommend Approve/ Recommend Decision
    Lot Line Adjustment City Engineer Recommend Decision Appeal Appeal
    Merger and Unmerger Council Recommend Recommend Decision
    Parcel Map with Subdivision Agreement Council (2) Recommend Approve/ Recommend Decision
    Parcel Map without Subdivision Agreement City Engineer Recommend Decision Appeal Appeal
    Reversion to Acreage Council Recommend Recommend Decision
    Tentative Parcel Map Director Decision Recommend Appeal Appeal
    Tentative Tract Map Commission Recommend Recommend Decision (3) Appeal
    Vesting Tentative Map Council Recommend Recommend Recommend Decision
    Waiver of Parcel Map Director Decision Recommend Appeal Appeal



    (1) "Recommend" means that the review authority makes a recommendation on the approval or disapproval of the request to the Advisory Agency; "Decision" means that the review authority serves as the Advisory Agency and makes the final decision on the matter; "Appeal" means that the review authority may consider and decide upon appeals to the decision of an earlier Advisory Agency; in compliance with Chapter 9-76 (Appeals); and "Approve" means that the review authority may approve the project. In any case where the Director or City Engineer is designated as the Advisory Agency, either individual may choose to defer action on any matter, and refer the matter to the Commission for its decision.

    (2) The Council may delegate approval authority for an individual project (Map) to the City Engineer, or his designee per Section 9-62.060(C).

    (3) Tentative Tract Map applications accompanied by other applications requiring a legislative decision will be approved by the Council, according to Section 9-60.045 (Concurrent Permit Processing).

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)