§ 9-61.020. Tentative Map Preparation, Application Contents  

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  • A.

    General content requirements. Each Tentative Map shall be prepared in a manner acceptable to the Department and shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or State-registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying. The map shall consist of one or more sheets which shall all be of equal size and shall not exceed 36 inches along any side. The scale of the map shall be one inch equals 100 feet or larger. The City Engineer may approve the use of another scale or sheet size if warranted due to the size of the property. The number of copies of the Tentative Map to be submitted shall be as specified by the Director.


    Waiver of content requirements. The Director may waive or modify items required in this Section, with the concurrence of the City Engineer, if the items are found to pertain to conditions unaffected by the proposed subdivision or to be adequately available in existing records of the City.


    Specific Tentative Map content requirements. Each Tentative Map shall contain the following information, in addition to any other requirements of the General Plan or this Development Code:


    General information:


    Map number;


    Name, address, and telephone number of subdivider;


    Name and address of owner;


    North arrow and scale of map;


    Name, address, and telephone number of person preparing the map;


    Date map was prepared;


    Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor signature and seal;


    Area of the subdivision, both as total area and as area excluding existing right(s)-of-way(s); and


    General Plan designation, existing zoning of property, and proposed land use.


    Vicinity information:


    A vicinity or area map, located on the Tentative Map, at a scale of one inch equals 500 feet, or as otherwise approved by the Director of Environmental Services, showing only the existing major street pattern and major watercourses and flood control channels within one-half mile of exterior boundaries of the subdivision;


    All boundary lines of the subdivision with approximate bearing and distances described with any identifying tree row, dikes or channels;


    Existing buildings or structures identified by use, including those within 100 feet of the tract boundary;


    Adjoining property lines and land uses, including adjacent subdivision map numbers, if any; and


    Location of existing trees, and proposed tree removals.


    Topographic information:


    Topography, including: one foot contour lines where slope is less than five percent; two-foot contour lines where slope is between five percent and 10 percent; five-foot contour lines where the slope is between 10 percent and 20 percent; and 10-foot contour lines where the slope is greater than 20 percent. Every fifth contour shall be clearly labeled and indicated so as to be distinctive. Contour lines shall extend a minimum of 100 feet beyond the tract boundary. Topographic mapping shall include any significant features which can materially affect the design of the subdivision, including, but not limited to, structures, fences, walls and utility poles. Source and date of existing contours shall be included;


    Delineate all natural slopes which equal or exceed a 20 percent gradient by a dashed line and label "20 percent slope";


    Pad elevation and drainage pattern of each lot;


    Tops and toes of all manufactured slopes, including all daylight lines;


    Estimated quantities of cut and fill material in cubic yards; and


    Existing and proposed retaining wall locations and heights.


    Site access and circulation information:


    Existing and proposed street alignments, cross-section, and rights-of-way widths;


    Existing and future adjacent and connecting street alignments including rights-of-way widths;


    Proposed street grades;


    Centerline radii of street curves;


    The location and radii of the rights-of-way at all curb returns and cul-de-sacs;


    The width and location of all necessary and approved offsite access from the proposed subdivision onto the nearest public street; and


    Street names on all existing streets within, fronting, or adjacent to the proposed subdivision. Proposed public or private streets shall be designated as such and those not officially named should be shown as "A" Street, "B" Street, or "C" Road, unless a current listing of desired names has been approved for said Tentative Tract.


    Utilities information:


    Names and addresses of all operators of proposed subdivision utility systems;


    All watercourses, storm drainage easements, utility facilities, wells, and Special Flood Hazard Areas which are subject to inundation or stormwater overflow in accordance with current Federal Emergency Management Agency Maps;


    Preliminary plan of offsite drainage channels and any other drainage devices;


    Approximate location of all existing and proposed public and private easements and easements to be abandoned pursuant to Section 66499.20 1/2 of the State Subdivision Map Act;


    Location and size of existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drain lines with their approximate slope, connection point, and elevation; and


    Method of collection and disposal of stormwater run-off, including detention facility location and storage volume.


    Lot information:


    Minimum, maximum, and average lot sizes within the subdivision;


    Any remainder of the original parcel, provided that such may be indicated by deed reference to the existing record boundaries if the remainder has an area of five acres or more;


    Total number of lots proposed;


    Lot lines, dimensions, and identifying number or letter;


    If phasing is proposed, show all phase boundaries and the number of each phase; and


    The location of each lot boring shall be shown on the exhibit attached to the preliminary geotechnical report described in Subsection (7)(j).




    A signed statement by all owners in fee simple estate, or authorized agents thereof, consenting to the subdivision of the parcel(s) involved;


    A legal description of the land within the proposed subdivision;


    The disposition to be made of all existing structures, tree rows, and other significant vegetation and natural features, wells, tanks, irrigation facilities and public utility lines;


    A description of the proposed method and plan of sewage disposal. Whenever the method of sewage disposal proposed is other than by a public sewage disposal system, a soil evaluation report or geologic report, acceptable to the Ventura County Environmental Health Division, indicating that individual sewage disposal systems will function properly, shall also be submitted. A public sewage system is a sewage disposal system directly controlled by public authority;


    A certification by the applicant, supported by a preliminary title report, that the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed subdivision;


    Documents required to comply with the Mature Tree Preservation Ordinance;


    A list of all proposed deviations to City standards for map, street and storm drainage design, together with justification for each;


    A preliminary drainage report describing the proposed method and plan of stormwater disposal (the plan including location of storm drain lines, detention facilities, inlets and ultimate outlet may be shown on the Tentative Map) prepared by a State registered civil engineer. The drainage report shall include a hydrologic and hydraulic study, indicating the following conditions before and after development; drainage areas, major watercourses, quantity of stormwater and patterns, diversions and collection systems. Special Flood Hazard Areas as shown on the applicable FEMA maps shall be delineated on the Tentative Map. All development shall comply with the City's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (SVMC Section 7-5.101 et seq.);


    The disclosure of all proposed mitigation measures recommended by any applicable environmental document, with a statement of how the measures will be incorporated within the project;


    A geotechnical (soils) report, prepared by a geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist, registered in this State, per the City's Geotechnical Guidelines, shall be required for use in evaluating and reporting the impact that the subdivision may have upon the environment.


    The soils report shall describe the nature of the subsurface soils and any soil conditions which would affect the geometrics of the proposed development. The soils report shall state whether the proposed plan is feasible and provide general solutions for all known hazardous conditions or problems. The report shall include the locations and logs of any test borings, percolation test results and a hydrological evaluation of onsite sewage disposal, if proposed. A liquefaction report shall also be required in areas of high groundwater as determined by the City Engineer. The City Engineer may require that the soils report address additional issues deemed pertinent by him or her.


    The soils report requirement may be waived if the City Engineer determines that sufficient and adequate soils information exists in the City records regarding the subdivision and therefore no preliminary analysis is necessary.


    If the City Engineer has knowledge of, or the soils report indicates, the presence of critically expansive soils or other soils problems which, if not corrected, could possibly lead to structural defects or hazardous conditions, a soils investigation of each lot in the subdivision may be required. Such soils investigation shall be performed by a civil or geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist, registered in this State, who may recommend that a structural engineer specify corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage and eliminate any hazards to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where the soils problems exist. Each Building Permit shall require that the approved recommended action be incorporated into the construction.


    An engineering geology evaluation, defining geologic conditions of the site, shall be submitted for all hillside or other geologically hazardous areas. The geologic evaluation shall state whether the proposed plan is feasible and shall provide general solutions for all known hazardous conditions or problems. The evaluation report shall point out specific areas where development may create hazardous conditions. The engineering geology evaluation requirements may be waived if the City Engineer finds that, due to the knowledge of the subdivision area, no engineering geology evaluation is necessary.


    The geotechnical report shall designate a suitable building site for each lot which is safe from settlement, landsliding, mudsliding, seismic, and flood hazards and which has reasonable access thereto as determined by the City Engineer;


    Offsite private street easements. Offsite easements allowing applicable governmental agencies which provide for the public safety, health, and welfare, access on all private streets, or lanes serving as access for more than two parcels, shall be offered for dedication to the City, or other appropriate agency, not later than the time the Tentative Parcel Map or Tentative Tract Map application is deemed complete; and


    Other offsite easements. All other offsite easements for public use required as a condition for approval of the Tentative Map for the proposed subdivision shall be offered for dedication to the City or other appropriate agency not later than the time the Tentative Parcel Map or Tentative Tract Map application is deemed complete.


    Additional information to be contained on Vesting Tentative Maps. A Vesting Tentative Map shall be filed in the same form and have the same contents, accompanying data, and reports and shall be processed in the same manner as set forth in this Article for Tentative Maps, except as provided below:


    At the time a Vesting Tentative Map is filed, it shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map"; and


    At the time a Vesting Tentative Map is filed, the application shall include the following supplemental information unless deemed not applicable by the Director and the City Engineer, on the Vesting Map or additional sheet(s), (whichever is applicable):


    Locations and dimensions of proposed bicycle, pedestrian and equestrian paths;


    Proposed off-street parking, including the location, number of stalls, dimensions, and circulation pattern;


    Areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for parks, parkways, playgrounds, school sites, public or quasi-public buildings, and other such uses;


    Areas proposed for any other uses to be established within the project;


    Proposed location and elevations of buildings on lands, including dimensions, the size of structure, height, setback, materials and yard areas;


    Proposed landscaping, walls, fencing, screening, trash collection areas, and usable open space areas;


    If phasing is proposed, a construction schedule for the offsite improvements to be associated with each phase; the total number of acres in the proposed project and the number and percent thereof designated for various uses; and the number of dwelling units proposed, by type of dwelling unit, for each phase;


    A grading plan with information as required by the City Engineer; and


    Such additional information as may be required by the Director of Environmental Services, City Engineer or Planning Commission.


    Additional information required for phased (multiple) Final Maps. A Tentative Map shall include a statement of intent to record phased Final Maps, if such are desired. Prior to the time of Tentative Map approval and prior to the drafting of conditions of approval, a phasing plan shall be provided which delineates the proposed phased Final Map boundaries and which shows, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the logical and orderly development of the whole subdivision by phases, such that each phase shall be functionally self-sufficient. The phasing of a subdivision shall not be approved thereafter except by the processing of a new Tentative Map.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)