§ 9-62.060. Parcel Map or Final Map Approval and Recordation  

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  • A.

    Approval by City Engineer. Upon completion of review, the subdivider shall submit the original tracing of the Parcel Map or Final Map, prepared in compliance with the Map Act and this Article and corrected as to its final form, signed by all parties required by the Map Act and this Article, for approval by the City Engineer. The subdivider shall also provide to the City Engineer a map routing slip containing the signature of each agency, or department, which provided conditions of approval acknowledging satisfaction of that agency's conditions. If the City Engineer is satisfied that all conditions of "filing" as specified herein have been met, the City Engineer shall sign the appropriate certificate.


    Approval by Council. Following submittal to, and certification by, the City Engineer, Parcel Maps which require a subdivision improvement agreement and Final Maps shall be filed with the Council for approval. The Council shall consider the Map and improvement agreement at the meeting at which it receives the Map or at its next regular meeting after the meeting at which it receives the Map. The Council shall have approved the subdivision improvement agreement before approving the Map. If the Council does not approve the Map, it shall make a finding identifying the requirements or conditions, which have not been met. The Map may be resubmitted to the Council when the requirements or conditions have been met. The Council may waive any unmet requirement or condition which is the result of technical and inadvertent error which it determines does not materially affect the validity of the Map, in compliance with Map Act Section 66473.


    Delegation of authority for approval to City Engineer. The Council may delegate authority for approval of a Parcel Map with a Subdivision Agreement or Final Map to the City Engineer, or his designee. The City Engineer, or his designee, may also accept, subject to improvements, or reject dedications and offers of dedication that are made by a statement on the map. If the Council delegates its authority:


    The City Engineer, or his designee, shall notify the Council at its next regular meeting after he receives the map that he is reviewing the map for its final approval;


    The City Engineer shall approve or disapprove the Final Map within 10 days following the Council meeting that was preceded by the notice in Subsection 4 below;


    The City Engineer's action may be appealed to the Council;


    The City Clerk shall provide notice of any pending approval or disapproval by the City Engineer, or his designee, which notice shall be attached and posted with the Council's regular agenda and shall be mailed to interested parties who request notice; and


    The Council shall periodically review the delegation of authority to the City Engineer, or his designee. Except as specifically authorized by Subdivision Map Act Section 66458(d), the processing of final maps shall conform to all Subdivision Map Act requirements.


    Completion of approval. If the subdivision improvement agreement and Parcel Map or Final Map are approved by the Council, it shall instruct the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City and sign the City Council Certificate on the Map. If the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Parcel Map or Final Map are approved by the City Engineer, the City Engineer shall execute the agreement on behalf of the City.

    Parcel Maps which do not require a Subdivision Improvement Agreement are complete upon approval of the City Engineer. In such cases, the City Manager exercises the authority to accept offers of dedication and approve abandonments, except that the Utilities Engineer may accept water and sewer offers.


    Filing with the County Recorder. Upon approval of a Parcel Map or Final Map, the City Engineer shall notify the subdivider or authorized agent that the map may be conveyed by bonded courier to the Ventura County Surveyor for transmittal to the Ventura County Recorder at such time as the tax bond and subdivision guarantee are provided.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)