§ 9-64.080. Installation of Improvements  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Commencement of improvements. Except as authorized by a Specific Plan or Development Agreement, grading of the proposed subdivision, or any disturbance of the land not exempted from the grading ordinance, including clearing and grubbing, and the construction of any improvements shall not begin until the City Engineer has approved all improvement plans for the proposed project in compliance with Section 9-64.050 (Improvement Plans) and until any required development permit has been issued.


    Work in compliance with standards and approved plans. All work shall be performed in compliance with the standards as identified in Section 9-64.050(B), the approved plans, and any special requirements, conditions, or specifications that are made a part of the permits. The City Engineer may authorize work which deviates from the standards, and approved plans shall constitute such authorization where specific design has been provided which deviates from the standards.


    Construction inspection. All improvements are subject to inspection by the City Engineer or authorized agent in compliance with the City's standards, approved plans, permit provisions, and good engineering practice.


    Pre-construction conference. Unless waived by the City Engineer, before commencing any construction, the developer shall arrange for a pre-construction conference with the City Engineer. Such conference should include the engineer of record, the prime contractor, and any outside agency or consultant with an interest in the conduct of the work.


    Final inspection and deficiency list. Upon completion of the subdivision improvements and with a written statement to this effect by the engineer of record, the developer shall apply in writing to the City Engineer for a final inspection. The City Engineer or authorized representative shall schedule a final inspection.


    A deficiency list (final punch list) shall be compiled during the inspection, noting all corrections or any additional work required. If the number of items are excessive or the subdivision appears incomplete, the final inspection may be halted and rescheduled on a date as determined by the City Engineer or authorized representative.


    When the final inspection has been completed, a copy of the deficiency list shall be transmitted to the developer for correction.


    Upon having completed all corrections or additional work as outlined by the deficiency list, the developer shall certify in writing that all corrections have been completed satisfactorily and request a final acceptance of all improvements.


    Upon finding that all items on the deficiency list have been corrected and upon receipt and acceptance of record drawings, final soils/geotechnical report, certification of the project civil engineer, and any other pertinent requirement established by the City Engineer, the subdivision shall be placed on the Council agenda for acceptance of improvements.


    The completion of corrections indicated by the deficiency list shall not relieve the developer from the responsibility of correcting any deficiency not shown on the list that may be subsequently discovered.


    Completion of improvements. Unless a different time period is specified in the subdivision improvement agreement by the City, the subdivision improvements shall be completed by the developer within 18 months from the approval of the Agreement, and may be extended by the City Engineer, not to exceed a period of 30 months from the original approval of the Agreement, unless a further extension is granted by the Council.


    City completion of improvements. Should the developer fail to complete the improvements within the specified time, the City may, by resolution of the Council and at its option, cause any or all uncompleted improvements to be completed, and the parties executing the agreement and the surety or sureties shall be firmly bound for the payment of all necessary costs.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)