Simi Valley |
Code of Ordinances |
Title 9. DEVELOPMENT CODE Simi Valley Municipal Code |
Chapter 9-24. Residential and Open Space Zoning Districts |
§ 9-24.020. Purposes of Residential and Open Space Zoning Districts
Different residential zoning districts are intended to provide a range of housing types that are affordable and attractive, in well-designed residential neighborhoods. Open space zoning districts maintain community open space resources for purposes ranging from conservation, to preserving community land use options. Requirements for the land uses allowed in the residential and open space zoning districts, and standards for development project site planning, design, residential density, and minimum parcel size are found in Sections 9-24.030 and 9-24.040, respectively. The purposes of the individual residential and open space zoning districts and the manner in which they are applied are as follows:
OS (Open Space) District. The OS zoning district is intended to provide for the conservation of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, to preserve and enhance environmental quality, and to provide for the retention of the maximum number of future land use options while allowing reasonable and compatible uses on open lands in the City that have not been altered to any major extent by human activities. The maximum density for residential uses is one primary dwelling unit for each 40 acres. (1)(2)
RE (Residential Estate) District. The RE zoning district is intended to provide for a custom-designed residential environment with very large lots, houses of an individual style, and a distinct single-family neighborhood image. The minimum lot area in this zoning district is one acre and the maximum residential density is one dwelling per lot. (1)(2)
RVL (Residential Very Low Density) District. The RVL zoning district is intended to provide for a semi-rural single-family residential environment with relatively large lots. The minimum lot area in this zoning district is 20,000 square feet, and the maximum residential density is one dwelling per lot. (1)(2)
RL (Residential Low Density) District. The RL zoning district is intended to provide for a suburban single-family residential environment with a range of parcel sizes, but with generally low density and some clustering of parcels. The residential density in this zoning district may range from 2.1 to 3.5 dwelling units per acre. The maximum density is one dwelling per lot. (1)(2)
RM (Residential Medium Density) District. The RM zoning district is intended to provide for a suburban single-family residential environment with a range of parcel sizes and some clustering of parcels. The residential density in this zoning district may range from 3.6 to 5.0 units per acre. The maximum density is one dwelling per lot. (1)(2)
RMod (Residential Moderate Density) District. The RMod zoning district is intended to provide for moderate density detached single-family or multi-family dwellings. The residential density in this zoning district may range from 5.1 to 10.0 units per acre. (1)(2)(3)
RH (Residential High Density) District. The RH zoning district is intended for areas of more compact multi-family residential developments, such as townhouses, garden apartments, and other multiple-unit dwellings. The residential density in this zoning district may range from 10.1 to 20 units per acre. (2)
RVH (Residential Very High Density) District. The RVH zoning district is intended to provide for areas of relatively high density, with compact multi-family residential development near district of community shopping centers. The residential density in this zoning district may range from 20.1 to 35.0 units per acre. (2)
MH (Mobile Home) District. The MH zoning district is intended to accommodate mobile home parks, to expand the range of housing opportunities available in the community. The residential density in this zoning district may range from 0 to 8 units per acre. (2)
W (Water Storage Facilities) District. The W zoning district establishes areas within the City reserved for the location of water storage facilities and wireless telecommunications facilities on property owned by government agencies. This zone is consistent with all underlying General Plan land use designations.
WP (Water Storage Facilities) District. The WP zoning district establishes areas in the City reserved for the location of water storage tanks, on privately owned property, and properly situated for the placement and safe aesthetic operation of wireless telecommunications facilities on property containing water storage facilities with ownerships other than government agencies or utilities regulated by the Public Utilities Commission while minimizing impacts on the immediately natural environment. This zone is consistent with all underlying General Plan land use designations.
(1) Except as provided by Sections 9-44.150, 9-44.160 relating to Second Dwelling units.
(2) Minimum density for each residential zone may be less than the densities indicated above due to maximum residential dwelling unit calculations for units subject to the Hillside Performance Standards, Section 9-32.070.
(3) Depending on the type of development, either the single-family residential standards or the multi-family residential standards will apply to the project.
(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006, as amended by Exh. A, Ord. 1147, eff. August 20, 2009 and § 3 (Exh. B), Ord. No. 1193, eff. July 19, 2012)