§ 9-26.070. Industrial District Operational Standards and Use Limitations

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  • A.

    Industrial performance standards. The following industrial performance standards describe the maximum allowable levels of the operational characteristics resulting from processes or other uses of property. Continuous compliance with these standards shall be required of all uses in all industrial zones, except as otherwise provided by this Section.


    Guidelines for objectionable factors. The following should be maintained at levels that are appropriate for the zone and geographic area when its use is in its intended operation.


    Smoke, odors, vapors, gases, acids, fumes, dust, dirt, fly ash, or other forms of air pollution;


    Noise, vibration, pulsations, or similar phenomena;


    Glare or heat;


    Radioactivity or electrical disturbance.

    The point of measurement for these factors should be at the lot or ownership line surrounding the use.


    Hazardous materials. All activities involving the use or storage of combustible, explosive, caustic or otherwise hazardous materials shall comply with all applicable State and Federal safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion, and adequate firefighting and fire suppression equipment in compliance with Ventura County Fire Protection District Regulations. The burning of waste materials in open fires without written approval of the Fire District is prohibited.


    Liquid and solid wastes. Liquid or solid wastes discharged from the premises shall be properly treated prior to discharge so as not to contaminate or pollute any watercourse or groundwater supply or interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment. The disposal or dumping of solid wastes, such as slag, paper and fiber wastes, or other industrial wastes shall not be permitted on any premises.


    Exceptions. Exceptions to these regulations may be made during brief periods for reasonable cause, such as breakdown or overhaul of equipment, modification or cleaning of equipment, or other similar reason, when it is evident that such cause was not reasonably preventable. These regulations shall not apply to the operation of motor vehicles or other transportation equipment unless otherwise specified.


    Industrial district land use limitations. The following activities are limited as shown.


    Activity Zoning District
    BP Zone
    LI Zone
    GI Zone
    Punch presses over 20 tons rated capacity, drop hammers, automatic screw machines or similar processing that produce at the nearest residentially zoned property line, an ambient noise level in excess of 65 dBA Prohibited Prohibited when industrially zoned parcel adjoins a residentially zoned parcel Allowed With a Conditional Use Permit



    Industrial development standards. The following standards apply in addition to all applicable provisions of this Chapter and Article 3, and shall apply to proposed development in all industrial zones, except as otherwise provided in these regulations:


    Architectural treatment. All sides of industrial buildings shall be architecturally treated to produce an aesthetically pleasing facade which is of a design compatible with surrounding industrial buildings and the character of the community.


    Enclosed building requirements. All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building, unless the use is specifically listed in Section 9-26.030 (Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements) as an outdoor use, is one which must be located outdoors due to safety, health or welfare requirements, or is specifically approved by a Planned Development or Conditional Use Permit.


    Trash enclosures. Each project shall contain a sufficient number of enclosures to screen bins for collection of discards pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9-35 (Recyclable Material and Discard Collection Containers and Facilities).


    BP zone. The regulations for the BP zone will be developed as part of the applicable specific plan. No specific plan shall be approved unless it addresses the applicable items in this Section.


    Enclosure required. Activities and operations shall be enclosed within buildings, except as otherwise permitted. The Director is authorized to determine the reasonable application of this provision in cases of operation hardship or other showing of special circumstances.


    Multi-tenant building design. Multi-tenant buildings are permitted, provided that the building is designed to appear as a single building with a unified design.


    LI zone. The following regulations shall apply to the LI zone:


    Enclosure required. Activities and operations shall be enclosed within buildings, except as otherwise permitted in this Development Code.


    Multi-tenant building design. Multi-tenant buildings are discouraged but may be permitted, provided that the building is designed to appear as a single building with a unified design when viewed from any public street.


    Metal buildings. Principal buildings constructed of metal shall require review and approval by the Commission. Accessory buildings of metal shall have exterior surfaces of a stainless steel, aluminum, painted, baked enamel or similarly finished surface.




    Accessory outside storage shall be confined to the rear of the principal building or the rear two-thirds of the property, whichever is the more restrictive, and screened from view from any property line by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds or landscaping. Whenever an industrially zoned parcel adjoins a residentially zoned parcel, outside storage shall be located farthest from the residentially zoned property. (Refer to Section 9-44.110(B) for Outdoor Storage Standards.)


    Storage areas, including those for all hazardous wastes, shall be located within a secure facility or container. Areas used for the storage of hazardous materials shall be concrete with an impermeable sealed surface, surrounded by a berm to form an area of secondary containment large enough to capture the storage capacity of the largest container.


    Retail sales and services.


    Where allowed. Retail sales and service uses incidental to a principal use are allowed provided that:


    The operations are housed as a part of the building or buildings comprising the basic operations;


    Retail sales represent less than 20 percent of the gross receipts of the company. Receipts and/or other proof of the percentage of gross receipts shall be provided to the City upon request;


    No retail sales or display of merchandise occurs outside of the building; and


    The retail products sold on the site are manufactured, warehoused, or assembled on the premises.


    Conditional Use Permit required.


    Conditional Use Permit approval shall be required when retail sales and service incidental to a principally permitted use that conforms to all the standards of this Subsection represent more than 20 percent but less than 50 percent of the gross receipts of the business. Receipts and/or other proof of the percentage of gross receipts shall be provided to the City upon request.


    The Commission may grant CUP approval when it finds that the retail use is compatible with surrounding land uses and appropriate to the intent of the industrial zone. Parking as required by Chapter 9-34 (Parking and Loading Standards) shall be provided for the area devoted to retail sales in addition to the parking required for the industrial activity.


    GI zone. The following regulations shall apply to the GI zone, in addition to those provided in Subsection E, above, for the LI zone.

    Retail sales and services. Retail sales and service incidental to a principal use shall comply with the requirements of Subsection (E)(5), above.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)