§ 9-37.070. Temporary Sign Standards  

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  • A.

    Non-commercial temporary signs.


    Requirements. Non-commercial signs, as defined in Article 8 (Definitions), shall not require a permit but are subject to the restrictions contained in Subsection C and F relating to size, placement, height, attachments, identification and illumination standards.


    Location. Non-commercial signs are allowed on private property, with the permission of the property owner.


    Duration. The duration of non-commercial signs shall not exceed 128 days except election signs. Election sign duration shall not exceed 60 days prior to, and including the date of, any election and must be removed within 7 days after the date of the election.


    Commercial temporary signs not allowed on residential properties. Commercial temporary signs, except those placed by charitable organizations with the permission of the property owner, and property management or leaseholder as representative of the property owner, are not allowed on residentially zoned or residentially developed properties.


    General standards for all temporary signs. The following standards shall apply to all temporary signs:


    Placement of signs. No such sign shall be placed on other sign or attached to landscaping materials.


    Height. The height of a temporary sign shall not exceed:


    Freestanding. Six feet above the grade level; or


    Mounted on a structure. The height of the structure upon which the sign is mounted.


    Requirement for permit. All temporary commercial signs located on private property require a sign permit, except those placed by charitable organizations in compliance with this Chapter.


    Attachments. It shall be unlawful to attach, connect, or otherwise affix balloons, pinwheels, streamers, or similar objects to any temporary sign.


    Sign illumination prohibited. Temporary signs shall not be internally illuminated, shall not have external lighting installed, and shall not be a form of redirect illumination.


    Supporting structures for temporary signs. Any supporting structure that was installed or erected to hold or support a temporary sign shall be completely removed when the temporary sign is removed.


    Construction requirements. The sign shall be constructed and affixed in a manner so as to withstand natural forces, such as wind and rain.


    V-shaped signs. "V"-shaped signs shall be considered two signs.


    Signs/banners located on light or utility poles. Notwithstanding any provision in this Chapter to the contrary, nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit signs or banners placed on light or utility poles by or with the express permission of the utility that owns the pole.


    Location. Temporary signs are not allowed to be posted, affixed, attached and/or placed by any person on or over the public right-of-way, public easements, or upon any utility pole, fencing, tree, shrub, railroad crossing, or lighting system.


    Other standards for temporary commercial signs.


    Window signs. Temporary signs attached, glued, painted, resting upon, or otherwise affixed to a window glass surface shall not obscure or render opaque more than 40 percent of the exterior glass surface upon which it is affixed or painted. Signs mounted within two (2) feet of the exterior glass surface shall be considered window signs. Neon signs shall measure less than half of the allowed 40 percent coverage, and shall not rotate, move, flash, blink, or vary in intensity. The area of window signs shall be measured using the method described in Section 9-37.050 (General requirements for all signs). Temporary windows signs do not require a permit.


    Vehicle signs.


    Signs on a vehicle that do not meet the definition contained in Article 8 (Glossary), are prohibited.


    Vehicle signs that meet the definition of vehicle sign contained in Article 8 (Glossary), are allowed and do not require a sign permit.


    Signs advertising real property. Temporary commercial signs advertising real property for sale, lease, or exchange are permitted pursuant to the regulations of Civil Code Section 713 and shall be in compliance therewith. However, pursuant to the authority in Civil Code Section 713, in commercial and industrial zones, the maximum sign area is 50 square feet and maximum sign height is six feet. For residential zones, the maximum sign area allowed is 12 square feet, the maximum height is six feet, and signs shall not extend over rear or side property walls.


    New business grand opening sign. New businesses, defined as a new business concern being operated by a business owner, or entity, with a first time Simi Valley Business Tax Certificate, may have one additional, on-building sign not to exceed 50 square feet, for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days from the date of opening to the public. A no-fee temporary sign permit is required.


    Quantity. Only one temporary commercial sign may be placed on a parcel or leasehold interest thereon, except charitable organizations may place an unlimited number of signs, in compliance with Subsection F, below. However, additional temporary commercial signs may be approved on private property subject to a Temporary Use Permit under Section 9-52.080(D)(5) and (D)(6).


    Location. A temporary sign shall be located five feet or more from the property line, except when an existing structure is located within five feet of the front or side property line then the temporary sign can be located within the five-foot setback.


    Unauthorized removal of temporary signs.


    Except as provided below in Section 9-37.090(E) (Enforcement), no person shall destroy, relocate, remove, or otherwise disturb any temporary sign, or direct or allow the destruction, relocation, removal, or disturbance without the written permission of the party who caused the sign to be erected.


    Nothing in this Section shall prohibit summary sign abatement as provided in Section 9-37.090(E) (Enforcement), or prohibit the owner of the property or structure, or their authorized representative, from removing a temporary sign from their property or structure when the sign has been erected without their consent.


    Nothing in this Subsection shall prevent the Director, or other authorized representative of the City, from taking action to abate temporary sign violations.


    Standards for charitable commercial temporary signs on private property. Charitable organizations may place an unlimited number of commercial signs on private property, with the permission of the property owner, as follows:


    Maximum size. The maximum sign area of a charitable commercial temporary sign shall not exceed 12 square feet on each side.


    Duration. The maximum duration of a charitable commercial sign is 30 days prior to an event, and such sign must be removed within five days after the end of the event that it is advertising.


    Identification required.


    Each charitable commercial temporary sign shall have affixed on the front in the lower right hand corner of the sign, the legible date range or period of its posting (excluding election signs). The name, address, and phone number of the person or organization installing, placing, or erecting or causing the installation, placement, or erection of the sign shall also be legibly affixed on the front of the sign in the lower right corner, unless the name, address, and phone number of the person or organization appear within the graphics of the sign. As an alternative, sign owner's name, address, and telephone number must be affixed to the sign or identified on the sign and it is maintained on file with the organization, the individual, the campaign office, or County of Ventura Elections Division and made accessible, if verification of sign ownership is requested.



    Charitable commercial temporary signs not displaying the above required identification shall be prohibited and shall be subject to abatement procedures and/or prosecution by the City of any person causing the sign to be installed, in compliance with Section 9-37.090(E) (Enforcement).


    Location. Leaseholders of businesses may grant permission for charitable commercial temporary signs to be placed directly on their storefront and/or within 10 feet of the main exterior entrance to the business.


    Standards for temporary commercial signs requiring a permit. The following standards shall apply to all temporary commercial signs placed within all applicable zoning districts by permit (refer also to subsection H below).


    Maximum size. The maximum sign area allowed for temporary commercial signs, is not reduced by the signage allowed for permanent signs.


    Freestanding temporary signs shall not exceed 12 square feet on each side in compliance with Section 9-37.060 (Zoning District Sign Standards).


    Temporary signs attached to buildings shall not exceed 50 square feet.




    A temporary sign shall not be displayed at any location for a period exceeding 16 days per Sign Permit.


    No more than a total of eight separate Sign Permits shall be allowed in any calendar year for any business, individual, or organization.


    Identification required. Each temporary sign shall have legibly affixed on the front in the lower right corner of the sign a City sign seal, with identifying number and expiration date issued by the Department.


    Location. Freestanding temporary commercial signs may be located anywhere on the parcel of the respective business (or within the commonly managed shopping center with the property owner's or manager's permission); shall be located such that they do not interfere with traffic safety sight areas (TSSA), visibility at driveways, private sidewalk clearances, or disabled access; and shall not be located in, nor overhang, the public right-of-way.


    Processing of a Temporary Sign Permit application.


    A Temporary Sign Permit application shall be submitted and approved by the Department of Environmental Services before the placement of any temporary sign.


    The permit shall describe the duration, location, number, size, type (e.g., commercial or noncommercial), and design of the sign(s).


    The Director shall designate the form to be used for Temporary Sign Permit applications.


    The permit shall be issued by the Director within three business days after receipt of the completed application if the requested sign(s) complies with the applicable requirements identified in this Section. If the sign(s) is not disapproved within three business days from receipt of the application, the sign(s) shall be deemed approved.


    Only one Sign Permit application shall be required for multiple signs to be erected by a single applicant where the signs have identical graphics, are the same size, and/or are being placed on more than one parcel.


    A sign seal, provided by the Department of Environmental Services, shall be placed on each sign.


    Number, size, duration, and location of temporary signs. The following standards shall apply to temporary commercial signs placed within all applicable zoning districts by permit. All other standards for commercial temporary signs not specified herein shall apply.


    Sunset clause. This subsection 9-37.070(H) shall automatically expire on December 31, 2015 unless extended by the City Council.


    Quantity. Temporary commercial signs shall be allowed per tenant business for up to two of the following:


    One on-building temporary sign;


    One freestanding temporary sign;


    Two freestanding temporary feather signs. A temporary commercial feather sign is a ground-mounted freestanding sign that is vertical in nature with total maximum size of 12 square feet, maximum height above adjacent grade of ten feet, and a maximum width at any point of two feet, displayed under the authority of Sections 9-37.070.H or I of this Code.




    The Temporary Sign Permit shall not exceed a period of 16 calendar days.


    A maximum of eight separate Temporary Sign Permit periods shall be allowed in any calendar year per tenant business.


    Location. Freestanding temporary commercial signs may be located anywhere on the parcel of the respective business (or within the commonly managed shopping center with the property owner's or manager's permission), shall be located such that they do not interfere with traffic safety sight areas (TSSA), visibility at driveways, private sidewalk clearances, disabled access, and shall not be located in, nor overhang, the public right-of-way.


    Drive-through restaurants. In addition to the temporary commercial signs allowed under subsection (H)(2) above, one additional freestanding or on-building temporary sign, not exceeding six square feet, shall be permitted with a Temporary Sign Permit within the drive-through area of a restaurant provided it is not visible from the public right-of-way.


    Temporary Use Permit signage. As part of a Temporary Use Permit for limited sidewalk sales or displays and extensive promotional activities per Section 9-52.080, the Temporary Use Permit may include temporary commercial signage as follows:


    Sunset clause. This subsection 9-37.070(I) shall automatically expire on December 31, 2015, unless extended by the City Council.


    One temporary commercial sign that is either an on-building sign not exceeding 50 square feet, or a freestanding sign.


    The one Temporary Use Permit related temporary commercial sign may be located as specified in subsection H.4, above.


    The one Temporary Use Permit related temporary commercial sign is in addition to the maximum temporary signs allowed with a Temporary Sign Permit per subsection (H)(2), above, and shall not require a separate Temporary Sign Permit.

(§ 4, Ord. 1092, eff. July 6, 2006, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1126, eff. March 13, 2008, Exh. A, Ord. 1147, eff. August 20, 2009, Exh. A, Ord. 1164, eff. November 11, 2010; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. 1168, eff. February 10, 2011; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1185, eff. March 29, 2012; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1200, eff. October 11, 2012; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1210, eff. May 9, 2013; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1211, eff. May 9, 2013; § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1222, eff. 2-27-2014 and § 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 1250, eff. December 3, 2015)