§ 9-24.060. Residential and Open Space District Use Limitations and Operational Standards  

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  • A.

    General standards. The following standards shall apply to development in all residential and open space zones:


    Number of residential structures. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, there shall not be more than one principal residential structure on any lot.


    Residential care facilities. Care facilities serving six or fewer persons and family day care facilities serving 14 or fewer persons shall be subject to all development standards and requirements applicable to single-family dwellings.


    Accessory commercial uses. The Planning Commission may allow, within an area covered by a Planned Development Permit, minor specified retail commercial uses for the convenience of project residents when the Commission finds that:


    The commercial uses are designed for the sole use of residents within the permit area; and


    The commercial uses are incidental to and compatible with the nature and type of development proposed for the permit area, and shall be confined within the boundaries of the development.


    Institutional uses - Use of required front and side yard areas. Buildings that are constructed, used, or maintained for a school, church, hospital, institution, or similar use shall not be permitted to use the required front or side yards for parking or play areas.


    Open storage of materials. The open storage of materials may be located in a rear yard, or behind a side yard fence, gate, or wall provided it does not constitute a health or safety hazard or violate any other laws. No open storage of materials (except for furniture specifically designed for outdoor use) is permitted in the front yard or areas in front of a side yard fence, gate, or wall or in side yard areas where no fence, gate, or wall exists. Materials stored in any side or rear yard shall not be higher than the surrounding property line fence or side yard fence, gate or wall.


    Compost bin enclosures. Compost bin enclosures may be permitted in front yard setback areas in Animal and Horse Overlay zones only, subject to the following provisions:


    Use. A compost bin enclosure may be constructed in the front yard setback area to permanently screen one composting bin (one and one-half to three cubic yards) for yard waste/horse manure only.


    Location. A compost bin enclosure that is placed permanently on private property must be located contiguous to either the public right-of-way or a designated County-recorded private road. Enclosures cannot be located in any parking space, alley way or in the Traffic Safety Sight Area (TSSA). The enclosure must be positioned at an angle of 10 or 20 degrees to the street to allow access for pickup.


    Limitations. Placement of the compost bin enclosure must allow the hauler to service the bin without requiring them to manually or physically move the bin. Compost bins shall have no wheels as to restrict movement within the enclosure.


    Specifications. Compost bin enclosures must be nine feet wide by five feet high by five feet deep and have an overhead clearance of 25 feet. The enclosure walls must be five feet high as measured from the point of the highest contiguous grade. Enclosures must be built with a concrete slab with a five-inch aggregate base material and six-inch Portland cement paving. The slab must have a level surface (no slope). A six-inch raised concrete curb must be installed around the inside perimeter of the walls. The front opening shall be at least 108 inches wide when the gate is fully open and must be designed with cane bolts to secure the gates when in the open position. Gates must swing outward or slide parallel to its side wall with safe, unobstructed clearance. Gates must have a secure closing mechanism and remain closed at all times when not in use or service. No roof or trellis shall be required.


    Materials. The compost bin enclosure must have four sides, one of which includes a solid, decorative opaque gate. The enclosure walls must be constructed of solid masonry with decorative exterior surface finish, compatible with any perimeter walls or the main structure. A list of recommended and acceptable enclosure materials include: slump stone, split face, precision block with stucco and cap, tilt-up concrete or other decorative block/concrete.


    Reasonable Accommodation. Persons with disabilities seeking equal access to housing may request a reasonable accommodation. Requests for reasonable accommodation shall be made in compliance with Section 9-52.110.


    Standards for specific types of residential projects. The standards of this Subsection shall be incorporated into all residential development as applicable, provided that these requirements do not apply to congregate care housing.


    Standards for all residential projects. All residential projects shall comply with the following requirements.


    The roof treatment for garages or carports shall be similar to that of the main structure.


    Fencing materials shall be slumpstone, wrought iron, textured concrete block or other similarly constructed walls except in residential projects designed for animal keeping within an Animal Overlay Zone.


    All property line walls and fences shall be no further than one inch from any property line. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that property line walls are on the property line.


    All above ground utility equipment visible from the street shall be screened by landscaping and/or a low wall matching the building decor.


    Off-site improvements related to a phase shall be accomplished concurrent with or prior to that phase of a multi-phased project.


    Roof equipment, except for solar energy equipment, on all structures shall be screened from view from adjacent parcels and street rights-of-way, including SR 118 and elevated overpasses, by means which are architecturally integrated into the structure. Solar energy equipment may be exposed to view from adjacent parcels and street rights-of-way provided the equipment is mounted flush with the roof plane.


    Multi-family residential projects.


    Trash enclosures. Each project shall contain a sufficient number of enclosures to screen bins for collection of discards in compliance with Chapter 9-35 (Recyclable Material and Discard Collection Containers and Facilities).


    Storage areas. Units are designed with outside, enclosed, lockable, secure storage areas attached to the unit, garage or attached carport.


    Roof equipment. Roof equipment, except for solar energy equipment, on all structures shall be screened from view from adjacent parcels and street rights-of-way, including SR 118 and elevated overpasses, by means that are architecturally integrated into the structure. Solar energy equipment may be exposed to view from adjacent parcels and street rights-of-way provided the equipment is mounted flush with the roof plane.


    Duplex dwellings. The project may contain up to 25 percent duplex dwellings and 75% multi-family dwellings. Duplexes shall comply with the parking space requirements for multi-family dwellings pursuant to Section 9-34.060 (Parking Space Requirements).


    Affordable and senior housing projects. Affordable and senior housing projects shall have an Affordable or Senior Housing Agreement in compliance with the City's Affordable Housing Guidelines.


    Senior housing projects. Senior housing projects shall comply with the following standards, provided that these requirements shall not apply to residential care housing, mobile home parks or residential projects of four or fewer units.


    The project shall be conditionally restricted to tenancy necessary to meet the definition of "senior housing project" in Article 8 (Glossary).


    The project shall be designed with attention to special kitchen and bathroom amenities needed by seniors, and shall include:


    Natural gas cooking appliances;


    Grab rails or bars for handicapped;


    Central air and heating equipment; and


    Non-security exterior front door screens for senior apartment projects, but not for for-sale senior housing projects.


    Mobile home parks and subdivisions.


    Permit requirement. A mobile home park or mobile home subdivision shall require the approval of a Planned Development Permit or Conditional Use Permit, as specified in Table 2-2.


    Mobile home park standards.


    Minimum site area. A site proposed for a mobile home park shall have a minimum area of two acres.


    Density. A mobile home park shall have a target density of eight dwelling units per acre with a density range of 5.1 to 12 dwelling units per acre.


    Standards for individual mobile homes.


    Setbacks. Each mobile home shall be setback from the boundaries of the mobile home space as follows:


    Front - 10 feet;


    Side - five feet;


    Rear - 10 feet.


    Space coverage. A mobile home and its accessory structures shall cover no more than 75 percent of the space area.


    Skirting. Each mobile home shall be equipped with skirting, or provided with a support pad which is recessed to give the appearance of the mobile home being located on-grade or foundation.


    Site perimeter. All exterior common boundaries shall be screened by a decorative solid wall, fence or other comparable device at least six feet in height, with a minimum five-foot wide landscaped area provided along the inside of the perimeter screen, including 15 gallon or larger trees planted no more than 30 feet apart.




    Common open space shall be landscaped in compliance with a landscape plan approved by the Commission.


    All required landscaping in each development phase shall be installed prior to occupancy of the mobile homes, and adequately irrigated and maintained according to the approved landscaping plan.


    In addition to the perimeter trees, the equivalent of one tree shall be planted for each mobile home lot or space, either within individual spaces or in common areas.


    Common recreation or open space area. A common recreation area may be provided in the park for all tenants, and may contain a recreation building. The area may be provided in one common location with a minimum aggregate area of 240 square feet per mobile home space.


    Parking. A mobile home park shall provide parking in compliance with Chapter 9-34 (Parking and Loading Standards). Guest parking spaces shall be provided adjacent to the recreation area.


    Trash enclosures. Each project shall contain a sufficient number of enclosures to screen bins for collection of discards in compliance with Chapter 9-35 (Recyclable Material and Discard Collection Containers and Facilities).


    Storage facilities.


    One or more centralized storage areas shall be provided for recreational vehicles, boats, etc., at a minimum ratio of one storage space per five mobile home spaces. Any fractional space requirement shall be construed as requiring one full storage space.


    Recreational vehicle parking spaces shall measure not less than 10 feet by 30 feet, and shall have direct access to a driveway with minimum width of 20 feet.


    Storage areas shall be paved and drained in order to be usable year round.


    Storage areas shall be completely screened from exterior view by a combination of landscaping, masonry walls, fences or other comparable screening devices six feet in height.


    Utilities. All on-site utilities shall be installed underground.


    Mobile home subdivision standards.


    Minimum site area. A site proposed for a mobile home subdivision shall have a minimum area of five acres.


    Density. A mobile home subdivision shall have a target density of six dwelling units per acre with a density range of 3.1 to 10 dwelling units per acre, unless the base General Plan designation indicates a lower density, in which case the more restrictive density shall apply.


    Minimum lot width. Each lot in a mobile home subdivision shall have a minimum width of 40 feet.


    Setbacks. Each individual mobile home shall comply with the development standards of the RM zone, except that where the primary zoning district is more restrictive, the standards of the primary zoning district required by Article 2 shall apply.


    Skirting. Each mobile home shall comply with the skirting requirements of Section 9-24.060(B)(5)(b)(3)(c), above.


    Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as required for single-family dwellings by Chapter 9-34 (Parking and Loading Standards).


    Landscaping. Landscaping within a mobile home subdivision shall comply with the standards and requirements applicable to other single-family residential subdivisions or developments.


    Trash enclosures. Each project shall contain a sufficient number of enclosures to screen bins for collection of discards in compliance with Chapter 9-35 (Recyclable Material and Discard Collection Containers and Facilities).


    Utilities. All on-site utilities shall be installed underground.


    Lighting plan required. Project applications including outside parking lots and lighting shall include an exterior lighting (photometric) plan consisting of a point-by-point foot candle layout (based on 10-foot grid centers) extending a minimum of 20 feet outside the property lines, prepared by an electrical engineer registered in the State of California. The lighting plan shall:


    Minimize on-site and off-site glare;


    Provide adequate on-site lighting with no more than a seven-to-one ratio, maximum to minimum, level of illumination between light standards within driveways and parking areas;


    Limit electrolier height to 14 feet in areas adjacent to residential development to avoid excessive illumination;


    Provide electroliers that are compatible with the total design of the proposed facility;


    Utilize fixtures which possess sharp cut-off qualities at property lines, or light drops of up to ½-footcandle at the property line; and


    Not use low pressure sodium lighting fixtures.


    Optional standards. The standards of this Subsection apply to the types of residential projects noted, in the manner provided by Subsection (D)(1) (Applicability), below. This subsection does not apply to congregate care housing, or mobile home parks, or administrative planned development permits for residential projects.


    Applicability. The minimum number of the optional standards (listed in Subsections (D)(2) through (D)(4), below), shall be incorporated into each residential project, as specified in the following table:

    Type of Project Minimum Number of Standards to be Incorporated into Project
    Senior housing 9
    Affordable housing projects 7
    Projects with 5 or more dwelling units 11



    All residential projects.


    The project shall be an "infill project."


    All units in the project are sited to maximize effectiveness of passive solar features considering sun angles (southern orientation), wind direction, natural ventilation and shading devices (deciduous vegetation, eave projections, etc.) as shown on a separate plan (solar access plan).


    All units in the project shall incorporate energy conserving features, including solar waterheating or photovoltaic equipment that is mounted flush with the roof or wall surface. These features shall be capable of energy savings that exceed the minimum requirements of Title 24 by 10 percent or more.


    The project shall be located within and be consistent with an approved Specific Plan.


    Physical security devices shall be incorporated into the design of the project.


    The project shall provide an internal horse trail system.


    Architectural treatment is provided around each window and door area on all elevations of each unit, and roof treatment with eaves is provided on all elevations of each unit.


    The project shall be designed with variable setbacks, curving streets, special concrete treatment (e.g., stamped concrete), and special roof treatments.


    The project shall integrate enriched landscaping in parkways and greenbelts throughout the site.


    Roof materials shall not consist of asphalt shingles.


    Single-family detached residential projects.


    75 percent or more of the houses shall have three or more bedrooms.


    All front yards shall be planted with grass, contain in-ground sprinkler systems, and embellished with additional landscaping, such as flowers, shrubs and trees.


    The project shall provide a variety of different floor plans and different exterior treatments for each floor plan dependent upon and consistent with the size of the project.


    Recreational vehicle parking shall be provided for a minimum of 60 percent of the units.


    Bay windows, greenhouse windows, stained glass, and other special window and door treatments are incorporated into the design of each unit of the project.


    All units in the project shall have 1,600 square feet or more of floor area.


    The project shall have an affordable agreement with the City that provides housing affordable to persons earning the median income or less.


    Multi-family (attached) residential projects.


    The project shall provide a substantial recreation component as determined by the Commission.


    50 percent or more of the dwelling units shall have three or more bedrooms.


    Parking spaces for each unit shall be no more than 100 feet from the unit they serve.


    The interface between the project and surrounding uses shall be gradual, providing a compatible transition of the project into the neighborhood.


    Separate recreational vehicle parking shall be provided for a minimum of 20 percent of the units.


    The project shall provide an individual fully enclosed garage for each unit in the project.


    One bedroom dwelling units shall consist of a minimum of 800 square feet and two bedroom units shall consist of a minimum of 1,000 square feet.


    The project shall be designed with direct entry from the unit to the fully enclosed garage.


    Senior housing projects.


    The project provides a substantial recreation component, as determined by the Commission, including a seniors recreation program.


    The project includes an assisted care plan with components that include transportation services, personal care services and food services.


    The project includes a sheltered area for vehicular loading and unloading.


    The project provides lifesaving devices such as lifeline emergency equipment (panic buttons, etc.).

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006, as amended by § 2 (part), Ord. 1110, eff. April 6, 2007, § 2 (part), Ord. 1139, eff. February 9, 2009, and Exh. A, Ord. 1147, eff. August 20, 2009)