§ 9-34.080. Dimensional Requirements  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Parking space table. Except as specified in Subsections B, C, D, and E, below, minimum off-street parking space dimensions shall be in compliance with Table 3-5 (Parking Dimensional Requirements), below.


    Stall Width Angle Module Widths Aisle Width (AW)* Stall Depth (D) Inter Lock Reduction** Stall Depth to Inter Lock (D)
    W1 W2 W3 W4
    9′ 30 31 46 43 39 16 15 3.5 11.5
    9′ 45 34 51 48 45 17 17 3 14
    9′ 60 36 54 52.5 51 18 18 1.5 16.5
    9′ 65 37 56 54.5 53 18 19 1.5 17.5
    9′ 70 39 58 57 55 20 19 1.5 17.5
    9′ 75 41 60 59 58 22 19 1 18
    9′ 90 43 61 61 61 25 18 - -
    9.5′ 90 43 61 61 61 25 18 - -
    10′ 90 42 60 60 60 24 18 - -
    9′ Parallel - - - - 12
    22*** - -



    * 25′ minimum width required for two-way travel.

    ** The interlock reduction shall only be applied where the subject spaces have been striped in a herringbone pattern.

    *** Stall length.


    Figure 3-9. Parking Space and Aisle Dimensions


    Spaces next to wall. Any uncovered parking space located next to a wall or other solid barrier shall be widened by an additional two feet.


    Handicapped parking spaces. Handicapped parking spaces shall be sized in compliance with State law (California Administrative Code Title 24).


    Covered garage spaces.


    In an enclosed garage (containing three walls, a roof, and garage door) for single-family dwellings, each parking space shall have a minimum clear width of 10 feet and minimum clear length of 20 feet.


    For a single garage enclosing only one required parking space, the minimum clear width shall be 12 feet.


    Reduced parking space length.


    The standard 18-foot long parking space for open parking may be reduced by up to two feet if the overhang of the reduced spaces is used for additional landscaping or the overhang is located over a sidewalk.


    Either landscaping or any sidewalks shown shall be a minimum of seven feet in depth.


    When a combination of landscaping and a sidewalk is provided to achieve the minimum of seven feet, the sidewalk abutting the parking space shall be a minimum of five feet in width.


    If a sidewalk directly adjoins the curb/space without any intervening landscaping, the sidewalk shall be a minimum of six feet in width.


    The curb shall act as a wheel stop with no other wheel stop required.


    Section 9-34.090 (Design Requirements), below, which mandates a minimum of a 10-foot wide planter area adjacent to a public street shall not require the additional two feet of landscaping if the parking stall is reduced to 16 feet.


    Reduced parking space length in parking structures. The standard size parking space length may be reduced in parking structures up to two feet in length where structural elements (walls or support columns) preclude the use of full-size parking spaces. Under this provision, reduced parking space stalls shall not constitute more than two percent of all parking spaces within the structure.


    Clearance for covered parking. In recognition of Subsections E and F, immediately above, in multiple bay parking structures (e.g., carports, underground parking, etc.) where covered parking occurs that provides pillars and posts for roof support, parking stall design shall provide for a clear nine-foot by 18-foot minimum dimension with no encroachment for structural supports.


    Turning radius requirements. For all parking lots, end planters must be designed for a minimum inside turning radius of 15 feet.


    Figure 3-10. Parking lot designed with end planters with 15-foot turn radius

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)