§ 9-64.030. Subdivision Design Standards  

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  • A.

    Access and rights-of-way.


    Each parcel shall have direct access to a public street, except where private street, common driveway or other access easement rights are specifically approved by the Director and the City Engineer and made a matter of record in the Ventura County Recorders office. The access easement shall be reserved on the map in perpetuity for the benefit of the affected parcels.


    The street layout of a proposed subdivision shall be consistent with all street right-of-way designations shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan or any applicable specific plan at the time the Tentative Map is approved. For alignments not shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan, the City Engineer shall approve alignments that are consistent with the General Plan or any applicable specific plan.


    Drainage and drainage easements.


    The design of a proposed subdivision shall provide for the proper drainage of the proposed subdivision, including all parcels and improvements, based on the runoff that can be anticipated from ultimate development of the watershed area in which the subdivision is located. Stormwater detention measures shall be provided to limit project runoff to a 10-year-developed storm event, and additional detention shall be provided to the extent possible when required by the City Engineer to reduce any adverse effects of runoff on downstream properties, whether due to quantity, frequency, or lack of downstream capacity.


    The design shall ensure that there are no undrained depressions. Rights-of-way shall be provided within the proposed subdivision to provide for flood control channels and conduits, or laterals thereto, which may be constructed within or abutting the proposed subdivision and which are included in the Comprehensive Plan of Flood Control Channels approved by the Board of Supervisors of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District and the Simi Valley Master Plan of Drainage. Access to open channels included in the Comprehensive Plan of Flood Control Channels shall be provided along the entire length of the channel. Access to public underground drainage conduits shall be provided by an easement of not less than 15 feet in width centered directly above the entire length of the conduit.


    The proposed subdivision shall be designed to protect the parcels and improvements, both within the subdivision and of abutting properties, from offsite drainage or flood damage. Offsite storm drain improvements may be required to satisfy this requirement. The design shall also ensure that all public facilities (e.g., sewer, gas, electric and water systems) are located, elevated, and constructed so as to minimize or eliminate flood damage. Further, the design shall provide that any concentrations or increases of surface water received by or resulting from the development of the proposed subdivision are conveyed by means of adequate facilities to a suitable natural watercourse in the area or other drainage facility approved by the City Engineer. Offsite rights-of-way as may be necessary for the facilities shall be provided by the subdivider subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. All rights-of-way required to be provided in compliance with this Section shall be offered for dedication at the time the Parcel Map or Final Map is filed for approval.


    All subdivisions shall comply with the City's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance SVMC Section 7-5.101 et seq., and if applicable, pertinent FEMA regulations. All subdivisions shall provide for construction of drainage facility in compliance with the City's Master Plan of Drainage. At the City Engineer's discretion, pro-rata share payment, based upon developable project area within a drainage area or other applicable formula as determined by the City Engineer, to equitably distribute costs within a watershed, may be allowed in lieu of construction of Master Plan of Drainage facilities.


    Grading and erosion control. Every map which proposes grading shall comply with the requirements in this Article and with the Grading Ordinance (California Building Code Appendix Chapter 33, SVMC Section 8-4.01 et seq.) and the Stormwater Quality Management Program, SVMC Section 6-12.101 et seq., for grading and erosion control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage to offsite property.


    Parcel requirements. Each parcel in a proposed subdivision shall comply with all applicable requirements of this Development Code before the application is deemed complete, unless a Variance is being requested as part of the application.


    Sanitary sewer service. Whenever a proposed subdivision is located within reasonable proximity to a public sewer service area, the public sewer shall be extended by the subdivider to provide sewer service for the proposed subdivision. Upon application of the subdivider, with concurrence of the State and County health agencies, the Commission may waive the requirements of this Section for good cause shown at the time the Tentative Map is submitted for approval.


    Street lighting. Before approval of a Parcel Map or Final Map, the subdivider shall cause the area within the subdivision to be annexed into the Simi Valley Lighting Maintenance District, which is the district providing street lighting. The Advisory Agency may waive this requirement for Parcel Maps if it finds that inclusion within a service area is unnecessary because of the size or location of the proposed parcels or that inclusion could be more appropriately a condition of approval of a future development.


    Utility easements. Whenever possible, utilities in a proposed subdivision required pursuant to this Article, shall be placed in easements of sufficient width located along parcel lines.


    Water service. Whenever a proposed subdivision is located within the jurisdiction of a public water agency willing and able to provide water service to the parcels, that public water agency shall be chosen as the water purveyor for the proposed subdivision. Where an adjoining water agency can better provide the services, is willing to provide the service, and has the concurrence of the water agency having jurisdiction, the service to the project shall be provided by the adjoining water agency. Upon application of the subdivider and concurrence of the State and County health agencies, the Commission may waive the requirements of this Section at the time the Tentative Map is submitted for approval.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)