§ 9-64.040. Subdivision Improvement Requirements  

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  • All streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street signs, underground utilities, and other public infrastructure required to be constructed by a subdivision shall be installed or improved in compliance with the standards specified in the Simi Valley Subdivision Improvement Standards and Specifications in effect at the time of construction.


    Extent of improvements required.


    Requirements for parcel maps of four or fewer parcels. Required subdivision improvements for Parcel Maps of four or fewer parcels shall comply with Map Act Section 66411.1.


    Requirements for parcel maps and final maps.


    As a condition of approval of a Parcel Map or Final Map, the subdivider shall dedicate or make irrevocable offers of dedication of streets, access rights and abutters rights, drainage facilities, public utility easements, and other public easements, the need for which is generated by the project.


    In addition, before the approval of a Parcel Map, where public improvements or grading other than that allowable under a Single-Family Residential Building Permit are required, or of a Final Map, the subdivider shall complete or enter into an agreement with the City to complete (with proper securities) all grading, streets, drainage facilities, common area landscaping, public utility infrastructure, and other public facilities necessary to support the proposed subdivision.


    Improvement requirements for designated remainder parcels. Improvement requirements for designated remainder parcels shall comply with Map Act Section 66424.6.


    Abandoned pipelines. All abandoned underground pipes and openings encountered during construction of any improvements in the subdivision shall be removed by the subdivider or sealed in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer.




    Compliance with Master Plan and standards. Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, all facilities for drainage, including detention facilities, required for the proposed subdivision, regardless of location, shall be constructed by the subdivider in compliance with the City's Master Plan of Drainage and the requirements specified in the Simi Valley Subdivision Improvement Standards and Specifications in effect at the time of construction.

    Pad elevations shall be designed so that all structures (buildings) shall have finished floors a minimum of one foot above any 100-year frequency storm flow or detention basin high water level.


    Stormwater detention basins. Detention basins shall be required for all subdivisions other than single-family residential subdivisions of four or fewer parcels, unless required pursuant to Subsection 3, below, and shall be built on privately owned property and shall be privately funded for maintenance purposes, except when the conditions of approval require dedication to the Ventura County Watershed Protection District and the District accepts the facility. Detention shall be not less than 1,000 cubic feet per acre of developed property when the project is 10 acres or less, and may be based on the hydrograph flood routing method with 10-year developed runoff for larger sites.

    Additional detention shall be provided to the extent possible when required by the City Engineer to reduce the effects of runoff on downstream properties, whether due to quantity, frequency, or lack of downstream capacity.


    Stormwater Quality Management Program. All projects shall comply with the Ventura Countywide Stormwater Quality Management Program, Ordinance 1004, SVMC Section 6-12.101 et seq.


    Fences and walls.


    Required masonry walls and fences. Where determined by the Advisory Agency to be necessary for public welfare and safety, the subdivider shall construct freestanding masonry walls, wrought iron fencing, or a combination of both, which shall be approved as to type, size, and specifications by the Director along or at the following locations:


    On all parcel lines of the subdivision which adjoin drainage channels;


    Adjacent to all railroad rights-of-way which abut or pass through the subdivision;


    Adjacent to all major highway rights-of-way, as shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan or any applicable specific plans, which abut or pass through the subdivision;


    Adjacent to all publicly owned property; and/or


    As required as a condition of approval of the map.


    Fencing of drainage channels in future phases. If a Final Map which does not include the entire Tentative Map area is submitted for approval, flood control and drainage channels within the Tentative Map area shall be fenced with permanent or temporary fencing or walled. If a temporary fence is constructed, it shall be replaced with the required permanent fence or wall when the land adjacent to the channel is included within a Final Map.


    Alternative materials. Textured block walls, chain link type fencing, ornamental wrought iron, heavy landscaping, or other appropriate fencing or combination thereof as approved by the Director may be substituted for masonry walls, which are otherwise required under by this Subsection.


    Timing of installation. All fences and walls required in compliance with this Section shall be completed before occupancy of the structures within any portion of the development in close proximity to areas requiring the fences or walls.


    Placement and maintenance. All fences and walls required by this Section shall be installed on private property and privately maintained.


    Fire protection. As a part of the water supply installed in the proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall install water mains, fire hydrants, gated connections and other fire protection facilities deemed necessary by the Ventura County Fire Protection District to provide adequate fire protection to the proposed subdivision. The installation shall be in compliance with the requirements specified in the Simi Valley Subdivision Improvement Standards and Specifications in effect at the time of construction.




    Barricades. Barricades conforming to City standards shall be constructed by the subdivider at the ends of all streets abutting undeveloped property adjacent to the proposed subdivision.


    Street names and traffic signs. Street name signs shall be installed by the subdivider at all intersections within the subdivision. Traffic control devices and signs shall be installed by the subdivider as specified by the City Traffic Engineer. All traffic control devices and signs shall conform to applicable laws and regulations.


    Street lights. Marbelite street light poles and luminaries shall be installed per the size and location, per the Simi Valley Improvements Standards and Specifications in effect at the time of construction and as specified by the City Traffic Engineer.


    Street tree planting. The improvement agreement executed in compliance with Section 9-68.080 shall include security for the planting within parkways or public service easements along sidewalks within the subdivision of at least one tree for each 50 feet of street frontage. The trees planted shall be of a type approved by the City, per the City's approved Street Tree List. A schematic plan for the proposed tree planting showing the type and location of the trees shall be submitted to the Director for approval before installation of the trees. Installation of the trees shall be completed before the occupancy of any development requiring street trees.


    Underground utilities. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter of in Section 9-30.090, existing and proposed utilities including electric lines, communication lines, cable television lines, street lighting power supply lines, and appurtenances thereto, shall be placed underground and all such utility facilities including service laterals shall be installed in the ground before the paving of the streets. The City Engineer may authorize installation of utility facilities after street improvements are installed if the installation will not require reconstruction or repair of the street improvements or if unusual circumstances warrant. All necessary arrangements for the installation of utilities shall be made with the operator of each proposed subdivision utility system in compliance with this Section. Certain utility appurtenances including transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, and concealed ducts used in connection with underground facilities which cannot be placed underground without unreasonable expense may be placed on the surface of the ground if so approved by the City Engineer. The request shall be made at the time of approval of the Tentative Map.


    Water supply and sewage collection. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, and subject to the provisions of this Chapter, sewers and an adequate domestic water supply system shall be installed by the subdivider in each proposed subdivision and connections thereto made from each parcel within the subdivision.


    Water wells. All water wells within the proposed subdivision to be abandoned shall be sealed in a manner satisfactory to the Environmental Health Division of the Resource Management Agency of Ventura County. All water wells not abandoned shall be delineated as supplemental information pursuant to Section 9-62.070, and measures satisfactory to the City Engineer shall be taken to prevent injury to persons or property by use of appropriate physical barricades and by use of deed restrictions.


    Telephone service. Telephone service shall be installed by the subdivider in each proposed subdivision and connections thereto made from each parcel within the subdivision.


    TV cable service. Cable TV service shall be installed by the subdivider in each proposed subdivision and connections thereto made from each parcel within the subdivision.

(§ 5, Ord. 1085, eff. January 6, 2006)